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14 Fuckboys Who Took A Big L

LOL @ the guy who accidentally DMed 39 girls in a group chat.

1. This guy, who accidentally DM'd 39 girls in a group instead of individually:

2. And this guy, who got rejected and had to pay for a bouncy house:

Ur all invited to my bouncy castle party funded by the guy that sent me his credit card after I said no to a date

3. This dude, whose mom was notified by the girl he sent an unsolicited dick pic to:

4. And this dude, who got hit with a "bye" so fucking fast:

5. This fuckboy accused a girl of talking to other guys and received Donald Trump quotes in return:

6. And this fuckboy-in-the-making, who was roasted by his 13-year-old (now) ex:

7. This guy, who got owned via telephone number.

8. This jerk, who got annihilated with just a few short words:

9. And this one, whose plan backfired:

10. This sexist fuckboy, who was put right in his place for saying his coworker shouldn't be promoted:

11. This guy, who failed at persuading a girl's dad:

12. And this guy, who definitely wasn't expecting to get called out so hard:

13. This guy who was with his girlfriend for three years and then straight-up ghosted her. Now she’s his new boss.

14. And lastly, this fella, who was hit with a bruuuuutal burn: