21 Signs You're Crazy In Love With A Celebrity Who Has No Idea You Exist

    There's a one in a million chance you'll be together, but A CHANCE IS STILL A CHANCE.

    1. You constantly daydream about the moment you'll meet them and how you'll instantly fall in love.

    2. It will probably happen while you're out buying groceries, because celebrities also need to buy groceries.

    3. Or, you'll get famous yourself and bump into them on the red carpet.

    4. You believe that if you just had the chance to meet them, you KNOW they'll feel the special connection between you both.

    5. Because you’ve watched and read countless interviews so you really know and understand them.

    6. You've looked through every possible image of them on the internet and felt as if they were looking right at you.

    7. And you've had eye sex with them a bazillion times.

    8. You've watched clips of them being hot AF over and over.

    9. And when your celebrity crush becomes single you genuinely feel like your chances with them increase.

    10. You've definitely imagined what your wedding will be like.

    11. And how beautiful your babies might be.

    12. When other people are like "OMG I LOVE THEM TOO" you're like:

    13. And when you hear your celeb crush is in a relationship with another celebrity, it pains your heart.

    14. When they really seal the deal you cannot bear it.

    @TheEllenShow @RyanGosling @evamendes Brb while I cry

    15. It's particularly painful when you actually like the other celebrity.

    16. And when their family is just so goddamn PERFECT.

    Happy Easter from the Burtka-Harris bunnies and one lil' chick!

    17. If they date a regular human, you get THE RAGE.

    18. Because that could have been YOU, YOU'RE A REGULAR HUMAN!


    20. Lets face it though, if you did actually meet them, you'd probably fuck it up by completely losing your shit.

    21. And at some point you'd probably get issued a restraining order.

    But don't worry I have a solution: just get yourself a really good lookalike.