19 Things You'll Just Get If You're Obsessed With Hummus

    You'll eat an entire tub in one sitting.

    1. You never eat the recommended amount.

    2. So you've tried to constrain yourself with individual portions.

    3. Even though you practically eat a whole tub in one sitting, you don't feel too bad because it's ~healthy~.

    4. Especially if you make your own.

    5. If it weren't for hummus, you probably wouldn't touch a raw vegetable.

    6. And hummus is probably the only thing in the world that still tastes damn good even when it's reduced-fat.

    7. Different kinds of hummus have a special place in your heart.

    You're all beautiful.

    8. And let's not get started on food places dedicated to hummus.

    OK, which one of you is single?

    9. Even though you pretty much love all hummus, you do have a favourite.

    10. When people say they don't like hummus you feel super protective.

    11. Crisps, pizza crusts, your fingers — anything is a dipping tool as long as it means you get to eat it.

    12. But you never truly realise it's importance until it's missing from something you expected it to be in.

    13. Hummus is always the one thing guaranteed to be in your fridge.

    14. So sometimes you genuinely think you could go vegan.

    15. You appreciate how hummus can be versatile AF.

    16. But you also just love to spread it on a bagel like it's butter.

    17. You know everything there is to know about hummus.

    18. And it turns you on more than anything or anyone ever could.

    19. To you, hummus just equals happiness.