13 Situations That Will Make All Londoners Say "Fuck That's Real"

    When you just want a simple coffee but everywhere has been gentrified to an inch of its life.

    1. When London is so big, geography becomes a key factor in every relationship:

    2. When the natural beauty of London comes at a price:

    3. When just taking a simple stroll turns into a complete nightmare:

    4. When you just want a simple coffee but everywhere has been gentrified to an inch of its life:

    5. And nothing, not even exercise, is safe from sexy branding and mantras:

    6. When getting the tube can either make or break your day:

    7. When you go up North and realise how much London robs you on a daily basis:

    8. But then you realise you're so spoiled by being able to get whatever you want in London:

    9. When you want to make the most of the cool events London has to offer but also want to lie down:

    10. When you find yourself having to compete for a flat, as if the sky-high price wasn't enough to contend with:

    11. When, despite having 1,3478,994 restaurants to choose from, you end up at the same one each time:

    12. When you arrange to meet someone outside a tube station but you're both at different exits:

    13. And when you see an old friend and mean to catch up but you're both just so "busy" it never happens: