We Asked Priyanka Chopra About Being A Woman In Entertainment, And She Got Real

    "As a woman I need to work 100 times harder and yet will not be on par with my male colleagues in terms of renumeration or opportunities," the A-lister told BuzzFeed.

    You know Priyanka Chopra for her Bollywood blockbusters, her pop collab with Pitbull, her international work with brands, or her philanthropy.

    Now straddling Indian and American pop culture, the trailblazer has unique insights into the two vastly different industries... So we decided to ask her a few questions.

    Your body has been subject to lots of scrutiny by the media, whether you're dancing in "Exotic" or muscling up for Mary Kom. Do you think people pay too much attention to actress' physical attributes and too little to their work?

    You're often described as "ambitious" and "career-oriented" – have you felt that the words people use to describe hard-working performers are different for men and women?

    Do you think movies and TV – whether it's Bollywood or ABC – adequately represent women's voices and stories?

    How are pop culture's women treated differently from its men?

    What's your advice to young women trying to rise to the top of male-dominated industries, as you have?

    You do you, Queen Pri.