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    25 Birthday Gift Ideas For Kids If You Have No Clue What To Get Them

    Ummm I will also take a Hot Wheels track, scratch art sheets, and a slime kit, please.

    1. An arts and crafts library, because no matter how far technology has come, the googly eye is the greatest invention of all time.

    2. A classic game of Jenga to introduce them to the age-old tradition of toppling small wooden towers.

    3. A pack of scratch art sheets for making every child's doodle extraordinary, even if their name isn't Roy G. Biv.

    4. A basic Lego set and The Legos Idea Book if they've not yet forayed into the world of multi-colored bricks. The kids will thank you forever, and their parents will curse you a little every time they take one of these to the heel. Worth it.

    5. Or a Lego Mars Research Shuttle set so they can really ~shoot for the stars~.

    6. A durable digital camera to invest in a child's rise to future influencer stardom without investing in a camera they're sure to break.

    7. A BuzzFeed Tasty Junior breakfast play set so the young budding cook you know can create a brunch spread truly worthy of a *chef's kiss*.

    8. A pack of Fortnite socks for the kiddo who's a gamer from their nimble fingers to their well-adorned toes. *Dabs* *Instantly regrets dabbing*

    9. An illuminating Hermione wand — a magical gift that will make any child's face ~light up~ upon opening!

    10. A Magna-Tiles set, because blocks HAD their day — it's 2019 and Magna-Tiles are the king of (building) the castle(s).

    11. The Book with No Pictures by The Office's own B.J. Novak to kick their bedtime story up a notch. Although there are — famously — no pictures, that makes it no less entertaining, as it forces the grown up reading to say all kinds of funny, wacky nonsense words. "Blaggity-BlaGGITTY," indeed!

    12. And My Book with No Pictures which has fill-in-the-blank spaces for them to come up with their own hilarious gobbledygook. Perfect for the tiny aspiring comedian!

    13. A Crayola light-up tracing pad to give their art a little head start.

    14. A copy of A is for Audra: Broadway's Leading Ladies from A to Z if you're hoping to indoctrinate some youths into the world of theatre nerd–dom.

    15. A handmade rainbow unicorn octopus plush, because "rainbow," "unicorn," and "octopus" toys would already be individually exciting, but together?! Unbeatable.

    16. A National Geographic geode kit so they can learn about earth sciences AND have a totally valid (and safe) reason to use a hammer!

    17. A mind-bending labyrinth game for honing those motor skills in a chill, analog way.

    18. A Groot Chia Pet — it won't make them a guardian of the galaxy, but it will make them a guardian of some very cool little plants.

    19. A convertible play café that will transform their room into a Parisian coffee shop for breakfast and an award-winning BBQ joint by dinner.

    20. A slime starter kit so they can stake their claim in the slime game.

    21. Otrio — a complex version of tic-tac-toe that's fun for everyone from your six-year-old cousin to your Grandpa Joe! Gatherings will be way more fun now that nobody has to be excluded from the hottest new game in the house.

    22. A set of four watercolor construction prints sure to dazzle any small child whose first word was "truck."

    23. A loom perfect for any young-old-soul to craft scarves, tapestries, bags, or anything their grandparent-ly hearts can think of.

    24. A Pusheen plush who is oh-so-squishable, oh-so-cute, and an oh-so-great-gift.

    25. A ridiculously cute knitted animal hat and scarf to make bundling up to go out in the cold a little more bear-able.

    You're so in touch with the youths you're practically one of them!

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