15 Phone Fails That Will Make You Cringe

    "He was showing his 90-year-old grandmother pictures on his phone and she ended up seeing his semi-chub toilet dick pic."

    We asked the BuzzFeed Community to share the most embarrassing thing someone has caught on their phone. Here are the horrifying results.

    1. The Choke Me Daddy:

    "I handed my phone over to one of the youth pastors to take a picture for me. When he tried to view it he accidentally scrolled over. It was a screenshot of a Snapchat my friend sent me pretending to choke his dog with the caption 'choke me daddy.' The next time when I heard him preach he was talking about how teens hide the nastiest pictures on their phones."


    2. The Dick Album Cover:

    "My ex sent me a dick pic, and when I put my old memory card into my new phone all of my downloaded music had a picture of his penis as the album cover art. I had to discreetly listen to music until I got fed up and deleted my whole memory card."


    3. The Cheater:

    "Once my boyfriend wanted to borrow my phone because he couldn’t find his own and he found out that I had been cheating at Words With Friends."


    4. The "Waney" Pic:

    "This happened to my brother-in-law. My son who was about three was flipping through his phone pictures inquiring about each photo. It went like this 'Who’s that guy?' *flip* 'Who’s that kitty?' *Flip* 'What’s that waney?' *flip* and so on… 'Waney- was my son’s word for penis. He saw a dick pic on his uncle’s phone and just flipped right past it, thank God.


    5. The Butt Cleavage:

    "While my boyfriend slept I put my bra on his bum so it looked like cleavage for the next time he wanted a racy pic. I was showing my nan holiday pictures. You can guess what was there. I had to explain that it actually wasn’t me but my boyfriend's arse, and I’m not sure which one offended her most."


    6. The Wrong Swipe:

    "My father-in-law wanted to see photos from when my husband and I went on vacation. So I pulled up my phone and told him that there were only 10 photos and to only swipe right. Why in the hell did he swipe left? Basically he got to see his son in all his glory and I have never seen my husband move so fast to slap the phone out of his hand."


    7. The At-Work Sext:

    "I was doing makeup for a client and my girlfriend had texted me. At the time I didn’t know the text appears on the screen when an iPhone is locked. When I asked my client to hold my phone while I grabbed something for her, she laughed and looked at me and said, 'Looks like you had fun last night.' Lo and behold there was a text emblazoned on the locked screen: 'Last night was amazing, thanks for making me come a thousand times.' I’m currently planning my funeral."


    8. The Stalker:

    "I was going on a date with a guy my best friend had set me up on. I texted my sister tons of pictures of him with basically a biography of his life. While we were together my sister texted me and I made the horrible mistake of checking it. He looked over and said, 'Wait is that a picture of me?' before taking my phone out of my hands! He read everything and was nearly in tears laughing... He was really cool about it. We stayed friends, but he still won’t let me live it down."


    9. The Facebook Status:

    "I was at dinner with a large group of friends and one of my friends was looking at photos on my phone. She suddenly says, 'Oh you have a screenshot of Judy’s Facebook status!' and starts reading it out loud. It was a very emotional status about a boy I previously dated and I was feeling victorious her relationship with my ex backfired. My friend reading slowly realized that it was a super bitchy screenshot along with everyone else at the table."


    10. The Butthole Selfie:

    "I had a hemorrhoidectomy to correct an issue I’ve had since I was 16, and took a couple pictures of my butthole the day after surgery since I wasn’t able to get an up-close look with a mirror. I forgot to delete them and accidentally showed my boyfriend the pics of my swollen, stitched-up asshole the next day when I was scrolling through my photos asking him which selfie I should use for my profile pic on FB."


    11. Grandma's Accidental Dick Pic:

    "One day my boyfriend sent me a dick pic, except it was literally the least sexy picture anyone could have gotten. He was sitting on the toilet and not fully erect. Fast-forward several months to Christmas: He's showing his 90-year-old grandmother pictures on his phone and she ended up seeing his semi-chub toilet dick pic."


    12. The Creeper:

    "So there was this really cute guy who sits next to me in my speech class and I would secretly take photos of him and send them to my friends. One day he decided to look at my phone while I was texting and he saw himself in the chat. I still cringe to this day."


    13. The "Smiley Face":

    "I was trying to be funny one day while my husband was on the tablet. I snapped a picture of my boobs, and drew a smiley face using my nipples as eyes and then sent it to my husband knowing he’d see it immediately. My daughter got ahold of the tablet a week later playing with the camera. I managed to snatch it out of her hands just as the pic came up on the screen, while she exclaimed, 'Look mommy, a smiley face!'"


    14. The Parakeet Poop:

    "My co-worker was showing me pictures of his parakeets on his phone. He swiped one too far and the next picture was of a huge turd in the toilet. His explanation was that he and his roommates compare poop sizes. He just had to take a picture to show them later. Now we both pretend it never happened.:


    15. The Too Big Dick Pic:

    "My stepdad was driving to us dinner with my mom in the passenger seat. I showed my mom a picture but instead of handing me back my phone she kept scrolling. She eventually came across a dick pic. I was completely embarrassed but all she said was, 'I would run from that!!!' We both started laughing while my stepdad wanted to know what is was. She told him it was something related to women's issues."


    Note: Submissions have been edited for length/clarity.

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