17 Of Your Favorite Books As Shirts

    Did I mention the ENTIRE BOOK is on a shirt? That you can actually read?

    Litographs is printing entire books onto T-shirts and it is GLORIOUS.

    This time last year, they only had five titles available. Now they have over 100. So you basically don't need to wear anything else, ever.

    1. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

    2. The Phantom of the Opera

    3. Anna Karenina

    4. Crime and Punishment

    5. Robinson Crusoe

    6. Hamlet

    7. Les Miserables

    8. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

    9. Gulliver's Travels

    10. The Importance of Being Ernest

    11. The Wizard of Oz

    Did I mention that these are what the backs look like?

    12. Pride and Prejudice

    13. War of the Worlds

    14. The Picture of Dorian Gray

    15. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

    16. In case you were wondering, they even have The Kama Sutra.

    17. Also some religious texts.


    Yup. Opening up a new credit card now, thanks bye.