21 Frustrations That Were Too Real For Anyone Raised Catholic

    "Sit, stand, kneel, sit, stand, kneel."

    1. When your palm crosses always seemed a bit...off.

    2. When the collection plate came to you and you looked the other way.

    3. When you mumbled your way through prayers and songs because you didn't know the actual words.

    4. When another person's hand happened to be really sweaty during the sign of peace...

    5. ...or when you wanted to shake hands with a hot person who happened to be two pews away.

    6. When you didn't know whether to open your mouth or put out your hands when receiving Communion...

    7. ...and then it always seemed to get stuck on the roof your mouth.

    8. When you had to stand during Mass even though you literally just sat down.

    9. When you couldn't find a seat during Christmas Mass because everyone decided to be Catholic for one day.

    10. When you never knew if what you were doing was a sin.

    11. When you were forced to become a literal prayer emoji during your First Communion. 🙏

    12. When you basically couldn't eat anything every Friday during Lent.

    13. When the priest went around blessing people with holy water and it didn't hit you.

    14. When your ashes looked more like a mistake than a cross on Ash Wednesday...

    15. ...so you spent the whole day aware that people were staring at the smudge on your face.

    16. When your only mission during Mass was to stay awake.

    17. When you had to fight through crowds of people just so you could dip your hand in the fountain of holy water.

    18. When you were forced to make up sins during confession just so you wouldn't have to say the real ones.

    19. When you thought about all the people who've had their lips on the chalice.

    20. When your hunger overpowered Jesus at the dinner table.

    21. And finally, when you were literally, actually afraid of getting possessed.