11 Little Ways To Be More Affectionate With Your Friends And Loved Ones From Afar

    Even with distance, separation, and quarantine, there are so many ways to show love.

    Due to coronavirus, millions of us are currently stuck at home, unable to see family and friends in order to do our part to stop the spread. So we asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us how they've been showing love and care to loved ones from afar. Here are the sweet results:

    1. Send a care package filled with their favorite things, items they might need, or thoughtful things that remind you of them. Or arrange to have their favorite food delivered!

    2. Virtually cook or do other activities together! Video-call them and "have dinner" or an afternoon coffee together or watch a movie at the same time. Quarantine doesn't mean you have to completely stop doing fun things with your friends and fam! It just means working around the restrictions.

    3. Send snail mail! Going old-style and sending cards and handwritten letters in a digital age are a great way to make their day.

    4. Do school projects together and keep school clubs going despite the distance. It helps classmates stay connected.

    5. Try gaming together, even if you're not into it. Games help you bond and improve teamwork! And it doesn't just have to be video games — try digital puzzles, crossword competitions, anything to get your competitive streak going and have some fun. You can get the whole fam involved too.

    6. Reach out to a relative you haven't talked to for a while and keep 'em company, or reconnect with an old friend. It keeps things fresh!

    7. Give to people in need! Donate to your fave organizations, send letters and drawings to hospital patients and nursing homes, sew clothes and blankets for clothing drives, and more.

    8. Go with the classic: Video calls! Whether you're doing a single one or a group one, they're perfect for lessening loneliness because you're actually seeing the other person.

    9. Send funny memes and posts regularly. Anything that reminds you of them, whatever you think will make them laugh or smile — there's countless ridiculous memes out there and sending something every now and then will reassure them you haven't forgotten them!

    10. Simply check in. Checking in at least once or twice a day with a friend or loved one allows a sense of routine and normalcy, even when nothing else feels that way.

    11. And actually call instead of texting all the time! It's a good way to feel closer to the person because you're hearing their voice in real time. Also, nothing beats real human interaction — not even screens.

    Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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