15 Places That Humans Left Behind Because Nothing Stays Around Forever

    Everything that has a beginning has an end.

    1. This abandoned village in France, where 240 women and 205 children were massacred by Nazis.

    2. This abandoned town in Pennsylvania that's been burning since 1962.

    3. In Vancouver, there was a floating McDonald's that was built on a 187-foot barge. It has been abandoned since 1991.

    4. This abandoned Nazi compound in Los Angeles.

    5. This abandoned subway system in Cincinnati that had its construction cancelled back in 1929.

    6. The Pontiac Silverdome in Michigan, that once hosted the Super Bowl, the NBA finals, a Pope visit, the World Cup, WrestleMania III, and a series of concerts by legendary performers like Elvis, the Rolling Stones, Metallica, and Elton John, was completely abandoned and torn down by 2014.

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    The deterioration of the stadium began after the Detroit Lions moved to Ford Field in 2002. After the city fell into financial trouble, and high maintenance costs, owners decided to auction off the stadium. The parking lot was used to store hundreds of recalled VW diesel cars. Demolition of the dome is expected by the end of the year.

    7. This island in Japan that was at one time the most densely populated place on earth.

    8. This abandoned amusement park that was destroyed by Hurricane Katrina back in 2005.

    9. This cement mixer that was left abandoned in Oklahoma and repainted to look like a NASA space capsule.

    10. In Changping District, China, Wonderland was originally proposed to be the largest amusement park in Asia. After the developers ran into a series of financial and logistical issues, construction stopped in 1998, and it was demolished in May 2013.

    11. There's a ghost town in Arizona that goes by the name Nothing. At its height, Nothing had a population of four.

    12. Varosha was a bustling tourist beach resort in Cyprus that's been a ghost town since 1974.

    13. This hut in Antartica that's been around since 1902 and is in surprisingly OK condition.

    14. Wintenoom was a mining town in Western Australia that was shut down by the government in 1966 due to growing health concerns over the town's main export — asbestos.

    15. This once wealthy mining village in southern Namibia.