28 Random Instagram Photos That Prove WWE's John Cena Is The Ultimate Geek

    It's the most random Instagram account ever... and it's awesome.

    So, this is John Cena:

    He has a large social media presence, but his Instagram account is really...random.

    He also gives absolutely NO EXPLANATION for any of his Instagram posts.

    While sifting through these random, non-explicable images, one could come to the conclusion that John Cena is quite the geek. Here are 28 pieces of proof, taken from John Cena's nonsensical Instagram:

    1. The Contra start up screen on the NES:

    2. Luke Skywalker holding a rainbow:

    3. E.T. for the Atari 2600.

    4. An NES briefcase:

    5. Yoda in a suit:

    6. HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey:

    7. The movie poster for The Wizard:

    8. These floppy disks:

    9. Batman and Superman just chillin'.

    10. Bo in Tecmo Bowl:

    11. The Flux Capacitor from Back to the Future:

    12. I.B.M.:

    13. Star Man from Nintendo's Pro Wrestling:

    14. "Nintendo Polystation"

    15. Pro Wrestling for the Sega Master System:

    16. All of these NES cartridges:

    17. "All your base are belong to us":

    18. This kid wearing a Stormtrooper helmet:

    19. "A winner is you":

    20. Billy Mitchell, the former world record holder for Donkey Kong:

    21. Little Mac in Mike Tyson's Punch Out:

    22. This fridge that has Han Solo frozen in carbonite:

    23. This Back to the Future/X Files mashup poster:

    24. This mini floppy disk:

    25. This comic:

    26. Operation Wolf:

    27. This thugnificent Ewok:

    28. And finally, this dude:

    You do you, John Cena.