31 TV Moments That Completely Stressed People Out The First Time They Watched Them

    "I didn't realize I was holding my breath until the episode was over."

    We recently asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us which TV episode is the most stressful. Here are some of our favorites:

    🚨Warning: Some major spoilers and slightly disturbing content ahead!🚨

    1. When the Rains of Castamere began playing and the Red Wedding took place on Game of Thrones.

    2. When Jack was trapped inside the Pearson's burning house on This Is Us.

    3. When Sin Rosetro stole Mateo right after Jane gave birth on Jane the Virgin.

    4. When Buffy found Joyce dead at their house on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

    5. When Derek was shot during the hospital shooting on Grey's Anatomy.

    6. When the squad learned that Rosa was helping with an active shooter situation on Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

    7. When Negan killed Abraham and then Glenn on The Walking Dead.

    8. When the students were trapped inside during the school shooting on One Tree Hill.

    9. The reveal that Wes was under the sheet on How to Get Away with Murder.

    10. When Lexa was accidentally shot and killed on The 100.

    11. When David was strapped to a bomb and framed on Bodyguard.

    12. When June didn't get in the car and escape Gilead on The Handmaid's Tale.

    13. When Chidi had to have his memories erased on The Good Place.

    14. When The Doctor, River Song, Amy, and Rory had to deal with the weeping angels on Doctor Who.

    15. When Darius was stuck in Teddy Perkins's house on Atlanta.

    16. When Bones and Hodgins were buried alive inside a car on Bones.

    17. When Jon and Ramsay fought for Winterfell in the "Battle of the Bastards" on Game of Thrones.

    18. When Dr. Cox lost three patients after giving them infected organs on Scrubs.

    19. When Waverly was trapped in the greenhouse with Jolene on Wynonna Earp.

    20. When Brooke was trapped in the car and almost drowned on One Tree Hill.

    21. When Bobby was shot and struggling to stay alive on Supernatural.

    22. When the girls were trapped inside A's dollhouse on Pretty Little Liars.

    23. When Sophia suffered a heart attack on The Golden Girls.

    24. When Carter and Lucy were both stabbed by a patient on ER.

    25. When Jack and his gang kill Hank and find Walt and Jesse's hidden money on Breaking Bad.

    26. When Gemma killed Tara on Sons of Anarchy because she thought she was going to snitch on everyone.

    27. When Violet was attacked and had her baby cut out of her on Private Practice.

    28. When Meredith had her hand on a bomb that was inside a patient on Grey's Anatomy.

    29. When Adriana was taken into the woods and killed on The Sopranos.

    30. When the Crain family gathered for Nell's funeral on The Haunting of Hill House.

    31. And finally, every single episode of You.

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