21 Small "Thor: Ragnarok" Details That Prove It's The Best Marvel Cinematic Universe Movie

    Mark Ruffalo picked out Tony's Duran Duran shirt for Bruce to wear.

    1. First, Hela, Thor, and Loki get their blades ready for battle in the same manner, which is a nod to all of them being siblings and Odin's children.

    2. Valkyrie is known as "Scrapper 142," which is a nod to the comic book The Incredible Hulk #142, which features Valkyrie's return.

    3. Tony's shirt that Bruce wears after he transforms from the Hulk features the cover of Duran Duran's album Rio.

    4. One of the statues on the Grandmaster's tower resembles Beta Ray Bill, who was the original character to use Stormbreaker in the comic books.

    5. You can also see Aries, the God of War, and Bi Beast, a classic Hulk villain from the comic books.

    6. When Valkyrie first takes Thor to the Grandmaster, you can see that the tower isn't complete — later in the movie, a statue of Hulk has been added and you get a clearer look at Man Thing.

    7. If you look closely, you can see a ship trying to escape Sakaar, only to be destroyed by falling trash from a wormhole.

    8. When Thor loses Bruce in the crowd during the parade, you can actually spot Bruce dancing with the people dressed as the Hulk.

    9. When Dr. Strange uses Thor's hair to find Odin, he casts a spell that forms a triquetra, or a trinity knot — the symbol is also engraved on the side of Mjolnir.

    10. And you can see a triquetra on the ceiling of Odin's palace and outside Odin's treasure room.

    11. Korg references that a wooden fork is only a good weapon against vampires — this is a nod to What We Do in the Shadows, which was directed by and starred Taika Waititi.

    12. The rubble of the Asgardian mural featuring Thor foreshadows his eye injury later in the movie.

    13. Also, Odin's portion of the mural is broken in the exact spot where his eye patch usually is.

    14. Valkyrie's ship includes the colors of the Tino Rangatiratanga flag — a detail Taika put in for the New Zealand audiences.

    15. The Infinity Gauntlet Hela calls a fake in the treasure room is right-handed — the real one Thanos uses is left-handed.

    16. Dr. Strange is wearing yellow gloves for the first time in this movie, which is a nod to his iconic outfit from the comic books.

    17. The Shady Acres Care Home could be a reference to both Ace Ventura: Pet Detective and South Park.

    18. When trying to commandeer Tony's ship, Thor uses "Point Break" to get into the system — this is a reference to what Tony called him in The Avengers.

    19. When Thor travels to New York City with Loki, he's wearing purple and green shirts, which are traditionally the Hulk's colors.

    20. During the play, fake Loki mentions the time he turned Thor into a frog, which is a nod to a comic book where Simon Walterson is turned into a frog and becomes Frog Thor or Frog of Thunder.

    21. And finally, before Odin dies, he tells Thor and Loki to remember this place because it is home — this is the spot where Thor sets up New Asgard in Avengers: Endgame.