It Doesn't Happen Often, But These Were The Rare Moments When Sitcom Couples Gave Audiences A Look At Real Relationship Issues

    At this point, I'm more invested in TV relationships than real ones...

    Sitcoms — they're half laughs and half super serious heavy topics (with a laugh track). Even the biggest sitcom hater can admit that sitcom couples are put through the wringer, much like most real-life couples.

    Yes, even the most beloved couples can go through rough patches and obstacles, and we love watching them figure it out together. These were some of the episodes, storylines, and plot points in particular that had us tearing up for our favorite on-screen ships:

    1. Monica and Chandler discover they can't conceive.

    2. Amy and Jake debate having children.

    3. Amy leaves Jonah for California.

    4. Leslie and Ben fight for their jobs in court.

    5. Pam and Jim go to therapy.

    6. Holly is relocated out of Scranton.

    7. Lily leaves Marshall for art school.

    8. And Luke breaks up with Lorelai.

    What do you think? What's a moment from a sitcom that ripped your heart out and stomped on it? Let me know in the comments!