29 Wild Things That People Have Witnessed On Public Transport

    Public transport brings out the worst in us all.

    We recently asked the BuzzFeed Community about the strangest things they've seen happen on public transport. Here are the weird and wonderful experiences that they came back with.

    1. This story about an impressive skill that fooled everyone.

    2. This man who didn't understand personal boundaries.

    3. This dare that went seriously wrong.

    4. This story that has us asking, "But why?"

    5. This unfortunate incident that many of us have experienced.

    6. This very unexpected reveal.

    7. This story about a serious lack of courtesy.

    8. This guy, who went above and beyond for a shot at love.

    9. This gross habit that should have stayed behind closed doors.

    10. This story about a surprising stow away.

    11. These old ladies that, err...shattered aged-based stereotypes.

    12. This shocking move from a mature commuter.

    13. And this one from a parent that should have known better.

    14. This story that will literally make you gag.

    15. This story that makes us question people's dedication to food.

    16. This story about an odd breakfast choice.

    17. This incredibly unhygienic show of PDA.

    18. This story that literally has to be seen to be believed.

    19. This interesting drunken encounter.

    20. This story that proves that some people are way too comfortable in public.

    21. This story that will make you feel awkward just reading it.

    22. This local hero, who is literally all of us.

    23. This story that will either make you laugh or strike fear in your heart.

    24. This story that'll make you say, "The AUDACITY!"

    25. This sighting that'll send a shiver down your spine.

    26. This incident, which is every student's worst nightmare.

    27. This story, which is equally as impressive as it is strange.

    28. This incident that will make you think, "How DARE they?!"

    29. And finally, this woman, who did something that we all did as children.

    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

    Do you have your own weird public transport story? Tell us about it in the comments below!