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    5 Pro-Choice Resolutions For 2014

    With a new year comes new ideas, new goals, and new resolutions for the future. We have a few pro-choice resolutions of our own for 2014 – because every year is a year to protect a woman’s fundamental right to choose when and if they want to start a family. Check out our list of 5 pro-choice resolutions for 2014:

    1) Improve access to reproductive-health care. Damn right. It’s not just important - it's essential - that you, me and all of our sisters have reproductive care.

    2) Hold anti-choice people accountable for their attacks on reproductive rights.

    3) Fight and defeat attacks in the states that are designed to make it next to impossible for women to access abortion.

    4) Elect more pro-choice lawmakers across the country - especially in the states - and show that choice is an issue candidates can run on and win.

    5) Expose anti-choice “crisis pregnancy centers” (CPCs), fake clinics that look like real health centers but lie to and shame women to prevent them from choosing abortion.

    Are you ready? Then let’s get this 2014 pro-choice party started!