"Euphoria" Is My Guilty Pleasure, And I Must Bring These 21 Things To My Deserted Island

    From Jules' furry backpack to Fezco's patio chair.

    Oh no! I'm stranded on a deserted island and can only bring things from HBO’s Euphoria. Here’s what I'm taking:

    1. Maddy's Baby Hairs

    maddy sunbathing

    2. Jules' Furry Backpack

    3. Nate's Birthmark

    4. Kat's Glasses

    5. Lexi's Wattpad

    lexi types on her computer

    6. Ali's Kufi Cap

    ali shares at na group

    7. Cal's Bloody Bandages

    cal stares

    8. Rue's Hairbrush

    9. This Mediocre Cheer Routine

    10. McKay’s Football Bench

    mckay sitting on a football bench

    11. Ashtray’s Hair Clippers

    12. Laurie's Leather Massage Chair

    laurie sitting in a chair

    13. Jacobs Family Champion Chili

    jacobs family at the fair

    14. Suze Howard’s Wine Glasses

    suze sitting in a chair

    15. Lexi’s Bob Ross Wig

    16. Fez’s Patio Chair

    17. A Jar of Cassie's Tears

    cassie crying

    18. Barbara Brooks’ Social Status

    19. Grandma’s Crowbar

    kathrine Narducci as grandma taking a crowbar from her trunk

    20. Maddy’s Purple Outfit

    21. Elliot – yes, the whole Elliot

    Did I miss anything? What from Euphoria would you bring on a deserted island?