Kylie Jenner Just Released A Pregnancy Documentary About Her Son, And This Never-Before-Seen Footage Is Tugging At My Heartstrings, But I'm Not Complaining

    "What's up big boy?!"

    Right after their daughter, Stormi, turned 4 on Feb. 1, Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott welcomed their second child on Feb. 2 — a son they initially named Wolf Webster, but have since changed.

    And just like with her first pregnancy, Kylie documented her journey to eventually look back on. Earlier today, she released a nearly 10-minute-long video titled To Our Son on YouTube, which was filled with home movies, doctor visits, family moments, and more, all to celebrate the arrival of their newborn.

    Kylie taking a mirror selfie as Travis cradles her midsection

    Last September, Kylie teased some of the video on her Instagram, though the actual commentary heard in the official video was drowned out by music. And let me tell you, the conversations heard in the video make all the difference — I was an emotional wreck watching it.

    The 24-year-old makeup mogul shares intimate details with fans, from a 3D sonogram of their baby boy... insight about what her pregnancy cravings looked like. Kylie revealed she had a taste for steak and other red meat for lunch and dinner, along with a baked potato.

    Kylie saying "I didn't fit everything actually on one plate"

    Plus, there was no shortage of Stormi content, which I loved! It was really sweet how they talked to Stormi about becoming a big sister and asked what she thought about possibly sharing a birthday with her brother. Despite being young, they still understood that her opinion matters, and that made me smile.

    Stormi smiling in the foreground with Kylie holding her pregnant belly in background

    Travis and Kylie's families dedicated sincere messages to the baby and praised the couple for their parenting skills. Travis's mom opened up about how fatherhood made her son a better person and how she admires the way Kylie dotes on Stormi.

    And, of course, Kylie's sisters made an appearance — each gushing over her and their newest nephew.

    But the tears truly started pouring when I heard their son's first cry. In the video, Kylie has literally just given birth, the screen goes black, and you hear Kylie, Travis, and Kris Jenner's first words to the baby. It was truly a beautiful moment!

    And by the end of the video, Kris pretty much summed up how I was feeling:

    Kris crying and saying "I'm sorry, I'm just filled with lots of emotion"

    You can share in Kylie's pregnancy journey by watching the full video below.

    View this video on YouTube

    Kylie Jenner /


    Yesterday evening, Kylie Jenner announced that she and Travis changed their son's name. His name is no longer Wolf, so we've updated the post to reflect that.