"Botched" Doctors Terry Dubrow And Paul Nassif Spilled All The Tea On Plastic Surgery

    From mico-penises to butt augmentation.

    Five seasons later and the surgeries shown on Botched still leave me shocked! So, we invited the show's star plastic surgeons, Dr. Paul Nassif and Dr. Terry Dubrow (below), to our office to discuss those extreme procedures.

    We sat them down for a game of Burning Questions, where they talked about everything from micro-penises to butt augmentation, all while keeping us laughing.

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    Hal Rhorer / BuzzFeed / Via youtube.com

    How did you two team up?

    Do you think things like filters and social media play a role in the types or amount of surgeries you have?

    What's the most common procedure men and women ask for at your office?

    It seems like Brazilian Butt Lifts are a big craze now. Can you tell us what the procedure is and the precautions that come with it?

    Have you ever experienced a botched surgery so extreme it made you nervous to operate on them?

    Who are the most common celebrities used as a reference for work patients want done?

    What made you want to take on botched cases?

    Can you describe one of the most bizarre botched surgeries you've ever dealt with?

    What's the difference between a cosmetic surgeon and a plastic surgeon?

    What was your first botched surgery?

    Want to put visuals to the surgeries they've been discussing? Or are you interested in just seeing Dr. Terry Dubrow and Dr. Paul Nassif's hilarious friendship play out on-screen? You can do both by tuning in to Botched, every Wednesday at 9 p.m. ET on E! Network.