These Pictures Show The Huge Difference Between Felicity Huffman's, Paris Hilton's, And Naomi Campbell's Court-Ordered Community Service

    Let's compare court-ordered community service looks!

    Felicity Huffman is busy completing 250 hours of court-ordered community service for her part in the college admissions scandal.

    Because I will take any opportunity to post Paris Hilton's and Naomi Campbell's court-ordered community service pics, let's compare Felicity's community service to theirs.

    Felicity Huffman is completing her community service hours at the Teen Project, a nonprofit that helps at-risk homeless and sex-trafficked young women. Here she is, arriving for a day of community service with a tin of baked goods.

    Paris Hilton was arrested in 2010 for cocaine possession in Las Vegas. She had to pay a $2,000 fine and serve 200 hours of community service.

    Here she is, painting a wall.

    Painting a wall.

    In 2007, Naomi Campbell served a weeklong stint of court- ordered community service at the NYC Department of Sanitation. She was charged with assault after hitting her housekeeper in the head with a cellphone because she couldn't find a pair of jeans.

    Here she is leaving her court-ordered community service at the literal NYC Sanitation Department in a gown.

    Here's Felicity Huffman on the phone, again with her tin of baked goods for the teens.

    Here's Paris kind of painting the wall.

    And here's Naomi, again, leaving the Department of Sanitation garage and using the Department of Sanitation driveway as her personal runway.

    Felicity Huffman talking to some teens.

    Paris Hilton frowning to some woman.

    And Naomi Campbell giving me "sexy sanitation court-ordered community service worker."

    Here's Felicity Huffman in "good spirits" as she leaves her daily three hours of community service.

    Here's Paris wasting gray paint.

    And here's Naomi turning look after look at the Sanitation Department.

    At this point, the sanitation boots have become a full-on accessory.

    Another day, another sanitation slay.

    Lastly, here's Felicity Huffman waving goodbye to someone she just worked with.

    Here's Paris Hilton complaining about something.

    And Naomi Campbell, once again, owning that NYC Sanitation office parking lot.

    Never forget.