Martha Stewart Used A "Small Iceberg" As Ice For Her Cocktail, And People Are Real, Real Mad About It

    "How dystopian."

    Martha Stewart is riling people up again!

    A closeup of Martha Stewart at an event

    The lawnmowing speed demon home expert posted a picture from a cruise enjoying a cocktail. The only difference between this cocktail and, you know, a normal person's cocktail was that the ice in this cocktail was from an iceberg.

    "We actually captured a small iceberg for our cocktails tonight," she said.

    small iceberg on a rolling cart

    That obviously set people off in the comments.

    how dystopian

    Some of the comments were funny.

    i only use the finest icebergs for my cocktails

    Some of them were kind of unserious.

    babe we kinda need to keep that ice in the ocean

    Others mocked Martha's over-the-top life.

    if you can't find fresh icebergs for your cocktails store bough is fine

    But the bulk of them involved global warming.

    global warming is destroying icebergs sadly

    "MARTHA please leave the icebergs alone," this person said.

    "Put that ice back right now!!" another chimed in.

    The majority of people didn't want Martha to use that iceberg ice in her drink.

    martha the ice caps are melting don't put them in your drink

    Ultimately, I'm not one to comment on Martha's activities because I'm worried she'll run me over in her lawnmower, but I will say I'd be worried about getting a little dirt in my cocktail because there's nothing worse than sand in the mouth!

    i'm questing the safety of consuming iceberg cocktails
