32 Celebrity Tweets About The Coronavirus That You Forgot Made You Laugh At The Beginning Of The Pandemic

    James Blunt’s tweets were a whole mood.

    The other day, I was rounding up weird things celebrities did at the beginning of the pandemic.

    From the "Imagine" video...

    ...to Vanessa Hudgens' COVID rant...

    One year ago Trump and Vanessa Hudgens had the same strategy to fight COVID19

    Twitter: @davechensky

    ...to Sia's weird "Virus" tweet.

    But through that doom and gloom and clownery, a few celebrities said some actual funny things that I'm sure you already forgot about.

    Here they are:


    Yeah, no, sorry. Not gonna do "My Corona."


    are people allowed to be born right now with all the corona stuff going on?



    Instead of shaking hands, I’m just doing the Wu-Tang symbol from now on.


    I feel like I’m somehow stuck back in that weird time period between Christmas and new year where anything goes


    Corona has really made me realize.. how many corporate emails I need to unsubscribe from.


    Final Destination was released 20 years ago today. Remember that scene in the movie where I quarantined myself in that cabin so death couldn’t get me? I’m doing that right fucking now, in real life!


    Some of you can do exactly what you do at the gym right in your own homes. Just find some sort of bench, pull out your phones and just fucking sit there, texting.


    From here on out, the only Corona I want is from Mexico and you drink it.


    My mom just dropped off a puzzle for me and my gf. Didn’t get out of her car and made me wipe it off with a bleach wipe before I went back upstairs. Apparently she did a puzzle drive-by at Sara’s too.


    Been washing my hands for 7 minutes singing “happy birthday” by @StevieWonder x2. I didn’t know they meant the ‘other’ birthday song... smh


    Self-Quarantined from dat rona #coronapocolypse


    Protect Ya Neck against the Coronavirus. We are making a few thousand prints and distributing them across New York City. Feel FREE to do the same in your City. Share and RT this to the world. #wutang


    I saw those Italy videos of people singing so I started singing to my neighbor and she told me to shut the fuck up


    I mean Tom Hanks is who would play the guy in the movie about Coronavirus


    I sure am using the word “hunker” a lot.


    We’re all in this together, separately - listen to the scientists and The Sandman- stay out of the way/isolate/stay home #inthesameboat #bewell #betheball #taparoo https://t.co/BwtnQocZTS


    For Meredith, self quarantining is a way of life. Be like Meredith. #QuarantineCats


    My doctor told me “no hugging” and “no personal contact.” Man, I’ve got the perfect family for the Coronavirus.


    The only time you should sing “happy birthday” slowly is when you’re using it to time your hand washing


    Have to remember my stocked fridge is to last my family for weeks, not a challenge for me to finish all in one day 🙄


    If I start a New Year’s Eve countdown, will 2020 finally be over?


    worst part about this is gonna be when every club has a drink special called the Quarantini


    Lori Loughlin is wondering how the Coronavirus got into Princeton and her kid didn’t.


    People are seriously STRESSING about not being able to wipe their ass……


    Hey guys - starting tomorrow I’m going to be posting at home meditation videos that you all can just kidding


    I’m gonna tell you something right now, tis not the time to have allergies.

    28. And last but not least, every single James Blunt tweet from 2020:

    During lockdown, while many other artists are doing mini-concerts from their homes, I thought I’d do you all a favour and not.

    Twitter: @jamesblunt


    Just when you thought 2020 couldn’t get any worse.

    Twitter: @JamesBlunt


    I see lockdown hasn’t improved your taste in music. https://t.co/JMSHXtts1V

    Twitter: @JamesBlunt


    Worse must be realising you’re too thick to change the station. https://t.co/p0iN8E7zww

    Twitter: @JamesBlunt


    Singing “I saw your face in a crowded place” suddenly seems a little dated.

    Twitter: @JamesBlunt