19 Brands And Franchises That Got More Than Just A Little Lost In Translation

    Elsa? Is that you?

    1. TFW you want Doritos, and you get its international cousin...

    2. Or when you think you grabbed a Sharpie, except...

    3. Bart? Is that you?

    4. ...Elsa??

    5. MARIO?!?!?!?

    6. Personally, I remember the Power Rangers a little differently...

    7. And I'm not entirely sure what's happening with this Despicable Me shirt, either...

    8. SMH Pinocchio out here lying about his name, once again...

    9. And wait, okay, so are these Puma or Converse??

    10. Haven't you heard? PlayStations are old news. This is what the kids are into nowadays:

    11. This "Mr. Bob" looks oddly familiar...

    12. And I'm not sure what this movie is about, but it honestly looks great anyway.

    13. Would 100% watch a Avengers/Avatar crossover, TBH.

    14. This backpack is truly the ~best of both worlds.~

    15. And I guess Sonic the Hufflepuff is a thing somewhere...

    16. Though I wasn't aware that Tim Cook was getting into the sneaker game...

    17. This must be Spidey's new day job...

    18. And I'm just not quiiiiite sure this is right...

    19. But Bos Bony kind of has a ring to it, doesn't it?

    This post was translated from Spanish.