27 Moments From "The Simpsons" That Always Make You Ugly Cry

    No YOU'RE crying.

    We recently asked the Buzzfeed Community which moment from The Simpsons always makes you ugly cry. Here are some of the feel-inducing responses:

    1. "Bart Gets An F" - Season 2

    "When Bart fails, and he tells Mrs. Krabappel, 'No... you don't understand. I tried this time, I really tried. This is as good as I could do but I still failed!' *tears start flowing*"

    - Desai Lachlan (Facebook)

    2. "Mother Simpson" - Season 7

    3. "A Totally Fun Thing That Bart Will Never Do Again" - Season 23

    4. "Moaning Lisa" - Season 1

    5. “Lost Our Lisa” - Season 9

    "The ending to this really gets me where Homer and Lisa finally make it to the museum and the sphere is actually a music box. It’s just such a beautiful moment between a father and his daughter."

    - Nicoel8

    6. "Lisa's Substitute" - Season 2

    "The moment when Lisa's substitute teacher comforts her by saying, 'I'll tell you what, whenever you feel like you're alone and there's nobody you can rely on, this is all you need to know...'

    *hands Lisa a note*

    [Written on note] 'You are Lisa Simpson'."

    - John Peacock (Facebook)

    7. "Rosebud" - Season 5

    "Seeing Mr. Burns weep over the loss of his beloved Bobo."

    - mirandaugh

    8. "Make Room For Lisa" - Season 10

    9. "HOMR" - Season 10

    10. “Simpson and Delilah” - Season 2

    11. "Bart Sells His Soul" - Season 7

    "The episode where Bart sells his soul. The scene where he's trying to row to the island with all his friends but he's just going in circles by himself... I cannot stop the tears."

    - Selma Krdzalic (Facebook)

    12. "Lisa the Iconoclast" - Season 7

    13. "Lisa On Ice" - Season 6

    14. "Any Given Sundance" - Season 19

    "The screening of Nelson’s film at Sundance. When he walks in the waves to hide his tears."

    - Kurt Anderson

    15. "Bart the Mother" - Season 10

    16. "Stark Raving Dad" - Season 3

    "When Bart writes a song for Lisa for her birthday to make up for always forgetting about her. It's an adorable brother-sister moment and reminds me of my brother every time.

    Lisa, it's your birthday.

    God bless you this day.

    You gave me the gift of a little sister,

    And I'm proud of you today.

    Lisa, it's your birthday.

    Happy birthday, Lisa.

    Lisa, it's your birthday.

    Happy birthday, Lisa."

    - Hollie Klem (Facebook)

    17. "The Squirt and the Whale" - Season 21

    18. "I Love Lisa" - Season 4

    "I guess this is a weird one, but when Ralph throws his Valentine into the fire after realising that it was meaningless and Lisa didn't really "Choo Choo Choose" him. It was such a real moment for a character that's normally played for laugh, and so very relatable to many, including myself."

    - Michelle Benson (Facebook)

    19. "Regarding Margie" - Season 17

    20. "And Maggie Makes Three" - Season 6

    "Growing up as a third child I have always felt a kinship with Maggie. Couple that with my sneaking suspicion that my conception was a bit of a surprise, to my dad at least, and 'Do it for her' gets me every. Single. Time. Because my dad worked his ass off to provide for me and still made time to coach my softball teams and be at my dance recitals. Sob."

    - kathrynw499763d38

    21. "Homer's Triple Bypass" - Season 4

    22. “Life On The Fast Lane” - Season 1

    "The whole episode shows how great Jacques is, how smooth he his, how sexy he is and how interested he is in Marge. After Marge is invited to his apartment, she drives there and is on the road which either goes to the power plant or Jacques’ place. Sure, it can be predictable now but back then the series was just starting. The moment you see Marge walk into the power plant with the glorious music in the background, it made me cry until the beautiful shot of Homer carrying Marge out into the sunset. One of the best moments in one of the best episodes of the series."

    - zugonthezygon

    23. "The Man Who Grew Too Much" - Season 25

    24. "Dog of Death" - Season 3

    "Everyone is mad at Santa’s Little Helper because his operation cost so much and they can’t afford it. Then Mr. Burns brainwashes him into being an attack dog, but he recognises Bart at the last minute and goes back home. Poor Santa’s Little Helper, he can’t understand why everyone is mad at him, it makes me sad."

    - Dorkus

    25. "The Secret War of Lisa Simpson" - Season 8

    "When Lisa and Bart go to military school and Marge leaves a message singing ‘You Are My Sunshine’."

    - ailsafoley14

    26. "To Cur With Love" - Season 24

    27. "Lisa's First Word" - Season 3

    "At the end when Homer puts Maggie to bed and tells her he hopes she never says a word because once kids start talking they only argue. After he leaves she says 'daddy'. Something about that moment always makes me tear up."

    - emilya38

    Some of these amazing answers were edited for length and clarity.

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