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16 Horror Stories About Overly Entitled, Spoiled, Or Just Plain Unlikable People At Christmas

'Tis the season to be absolutely horrible.

We asked the BuzzFeed Community about the spoiled people they encountered at Christmas, and, wow, there are some real gems out there:

1. "We gave gift cards to my rich kid cousins who rolled their eyes and said they had drawers full of them. I suggested to my parents that, next year, we make a donation in their name instead."

2. "I was at a Christmas Eve party where the kids of the family that was hosting got mad they couldn’t open any presents yet, so they proceeded to throw their wrapped gifts into the fireplace. They got about five or six gifts into the fire before their dad stepped in. It was one of the most outrageous things I ever witnessed!"


3. "My mom made homemade gifts for my dad's sisters one year, but they scoffed and said handmade gifts were cheap and worthless, and they 'wanted something better next time.'"


4. "I had a friend in high school who got the car she wanted with a custom paint job for Christmas. She pushed me to come over and see it after my family finished Christmas morning. She bragged for a while, then spent ages criticizing her other gifts — including a massive pile of clothes — and yelled at her mother because her Uggs weren't the right size. I was so embarrassed to be there."

5. "One year my cousin, after he'd opened all of his own gifts, started opening everyone else's gifts too. When I tried to stop him he screamed bloody murder. My aunt said to let him because he was a baby and didn't know better. He was 5."


6. "A daughter of a business friend refused a new, gold Mercedes convertible because, she told her parents, 'you knew I wanted a black one.'"


7. "My sister threw a tantrum when my parents bought more presents for my newborn son (their first grandchild) than they did for her. She counted 'only' 11 for her and he had 13."

8. "I host a holiday party every year and take care of the alcohol, appetizers, and a small gift for everyone invited. I plan and budget for it for MONTHS. I invited this new girl from work who didn’t have a lot of friends and she happily accepted. Even though I explained multiple times that I have a head count and can’t do plus ones, she showed up with her sister, boyfriend, AND another co-worker of ours anyway!"

"They all drank way too much, complained there wasn’t enough food, and whined that they didn’t get a gift like everyone else even though I offered for them to take a bottle of wine home instead. The real cherry on top was that she insisted I either let them crash at my place OR pay for the Uber home since I was the hostess and it was my job to make sure people get home safely!"


9. "My boss told me they had to go to the Apple store after closing to return the iPhone 8 her nephew's parents had bought for the child after he cried all of Christmas Day because he wanted the iPhone X."


10. "Back when the iPod touch was a big deal, my dad got my brother one for Christmas because my brother loved music. My dad had it inscribed with, 'I love you, (brother's name). Love, Dad.' My brother opened it and said it was a terrible gift and that he would never use it."

11. "My cousin’s second wife only comes around on the holidays and sits in the other room, away from everyone. Last Christmas, when it came time to hand out gifts from my grandma, she looked at hers and growled, 'She spelled my name wrong.' She then left the family gathering a few minutes later. She was so salty that my 83-year-old grandmother misspelled her name that she left."


12. "My childhood best friend threw a three-hour crying fit when her high school boyfriend proposed to her on Christmas. The reason? The ring he proposed with wasn't the one she wanted."


13. "An ex-friend took her kids to a holiday celebration where she drank too much and let her kids run around the room. Her kids then found a Christmas tree in the lobby that had toys for needy kids underneath it, and ripped open a bunch."

14. "My cousin got a new designer bag from her mother one Christmas and called it 'hideous.' My aunt gave it to me instead. Merry Christmas!"


15. "My aunt’s boyfriend’s son is the most spoiled brat I’ve ever known. This year for Christmas he asked for a new car and was told 'no' because CARS ARE EXPENSIVE, and his current car is a 2014 Mustang. So what did he do? According to my aunt, he’s gone on a 'shower strike' until he gets a new car."


16. "An acquaintance yelled at his aunt after she gave him a $50 Amazon gift card, demanded cash, and then — when his aunt (rightfully) refused — threw the card at her and left the family party. He’s 40."

Submissions have been edited for length and clarity.

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