

Mike Adams on Twitter @adamssoup Mike Adams is a writer, musician and truly one of the last uncaged animals of Southern Indiana. In May of 2007 he boldly published his book of maniacal short stories entitled "Toilet Bowl Soup: Redneck Tales from the Armpit of America". Since its release, Toilet Bowl Soup has been well on its way to cult-classic status attracting readers with its absurd and immoral content. The book reads from a twisted first person account of an insane Midwestern society full of junky amputees, trailer park Hispanics, sadistic rednecks and disgruntled busboys just to name a few. The media has compared Mike Adams to many great writers and even though he has received critical acclaim from famous artists such as Hank Williams III, Steve Balderson, Billy Sheehan, and Michael Arnzen most commercial literary magazines simply choose not to include his writing in their publications. This mutt will have his day! Mike Adams is a true artist; risking financial ruins, legal consequences, and a life of hell just to exercise creatively and contribute to the continued depravity inside an uncivil society. When Mike Adams is not writing he plays the bass guitar for various bands as well as records his original music and spoken word. Adams also makes cameo appearances in Steve Balderson's film Watch Out and Phone Sex. You can also see Adams in the Restraining Hollywood film Trust Me playing a redneck meth dealer named “Rory”. Mike Adams currently resides in Southern Indiana where he continues to document his deviant tales. Legend has it that if you drive by his house just after sundown, you might witness him sitting on his rooftop strung out and hallucinating, screaming at the top of his lungs, simply waiting for his time to come when he can finally rest in peace.

Jun 2011
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