Here's What We Learned About Selena Gomez From Her GQ Interview

    "One by one, I will be able to change the dialogue and people won't care about everything that's happened to me."

    Selena Gomez, human goddess, recently sat down with GQ for their May issue.

    Here are some of the highlights from her interview:

    1. She once had a very odd encounter with Diddy.

    2. She's tired of talking about that time she went to rehab.

    3. The first stranger she told about her lupus was a boy at a Children's Hospital.

    4. If she could work with any director it’d be David O. Russell — even if he made Amy Adams cry on the set of American Hustle.

    5. She thinks her face is holding her back from certain roles.

    6. The transition from child star to adult isn't easy.

    7. If she weren't famous, she'd be starting a family around now.

    Read the rest of her GQ interview here and check out more images from the photo shoot here.


    Condé Nast confirmed to BuzzFeed that Selena’s team verified that she did mean chemotherapy and not leukemia. Reps for Selena also confirmed she misspoke and meant to say chemotherapy.