15 Reasons Jimmy Fallon Is THE Best

    I mean there are obviously more than 15 reasons as to why Jimmy Fallon is THE best but I just picked the cream of the crop... Enjoy

    1. His alter ego… SARA

    2. When he takes off his blonde wig, he pretty much just looks the same

    3. He makes Dad dancing acceptable

    4. Even though he's like the best talk show host EVER he still can’t resist a cheeky smirk

    5. When him and Bradley Cooper couldn’t even make it through an interview because they were laughing so hard

    6. And they were wearing the best hats EVER

    7. He loves cracking eggs on his head… ALL THE TIME

    8. Because he made Channing Tatum pull this face

    9. And this one...

    10. He did the whip... and the nae nae

    11. He looks sexy as a police officer

    12. Him and JT make a pretty epic duo

    13. And their dancing is out of this world

    14. We love seeing his face this up close

    15. Lastly, he is so CHILL