We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    32 Products That Convinced Skeptical Shoppers To Hit "Add To Cart"

    "Just wow. I was skeptical at first. I wish I would have bought this sooner."

    1. A Revlon hot air brush to help you go from wet, tangled, frizzy hair to a shiny, salon-worthy blowout in minutes. FYI this is the hot air brush that all the influencers you follow on IG are raving about because it is just 👏 that 👏 good 👏.

    2. The Wand, a mini handheld filter that'll help reduce your wine-induced headaches. This lil' guy is designed to remove the histamines and sulfites in alcohol that may trigger headaches and hangovers. It's also supposed to revive oxidized wine so you don't have to toss an open bottle.

    Hands stirring glasses of wine with the wand

    3. Or wine drops if you're looking for a more discreet option. These do the same thing as the wands but strangers won't stare at you wondering what tf you're doing.

    Reviewer photo of the drops next to a wineglass with the words "trying these drops out. i have been getting headaches one glass in recently. so far they are working and it makes the wine really smooth"

    4. An immunity-boosting allergy supplement because your doggo deserves relief from their allergies and skin sensitivities. These soft chews deliver a dose of probiotics and other nutrients to help improve immune function, aide digestion, promote healthy skin, and add shine to a dog's coat.

    5. A sushi-making kit for anyone battling the urge to order delivery sushi...for the third time this week. This kit comes with everything you need (minus the rice, fish, and add-ins), and reviewers say it's easy to learn, even for first-time sushi chefs.

    Reviewer's homemade sushi

    6. A mounted brush so you can satisfy your cat's ceaseless demands for scritches. Just mount it to a corner with the included adhesive strips and watch as your beloved babies leave you for the warm embrace of this gray and white piece of plastic.

    7. A box of pore-tightening, skin-lifting face masks to truly terrify you, first because you'll look like a zombie once you've applied it, and second because it's so darn effective at reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

    Reviewer before and after showing the mask made their skin look tighter and reduced the appearance of some wrinkles

    8. A devastatingly effective handheld vacuum that'll suck up pet hair with ease. It has a special rubber nozzle designed to trap every piece of loose fur.

    9. A foot file if you want before and after photos that'll make you feel a bit queasy. I mean... *insert Will Smith tada meme*.

    10. An exfoliating water gel because it'll do the hard work of removing dead skin cells for you. Seriously, you'll be able to see little "beads" of dirt, debris, and dead skin go down the drain.

    11. A dip powder kit for perfecting your at-home manicure and saving yourself a lot of money in the long run.

    12. A tub of brightening, firming, and rejuvenating eye cream so you at least look like you got some sleep (even if you were up until 2 a.m. scrolling through Instagram).

    13. A multi-use skincare oil to treat a variety of issues, including uneven skin, stretch marks, and acne scars. It helps your body retain moisture (bye bye dry skin!) and absorbs into the skin fast so you won't feel greasy.

    Before photo of reviewer's red, slightly raised scar and an after photo of the same scar that is barely visible after using the oil
    reviewer with dark post-partum stretch marks that have lightened dramatically after using bio oil

    Psst! Bio-Oil contains retinol, which accelerates skin turnover but can make you more sensitive to the sun — so don't forget your sunscreen!

    Promising review: "I was skeptical of how amazing the reviews are, but this stuff is pure gold. I use it on stretch marks on my legs and in just a week they went from bright angry red to purple. I use it twice a day if I remember, and it's amazing. I also rub it on my face after I wash my face. It has made my acne on my cheeks go WAY down, and is removing the scars. I have amazing skin now. I use this stuff EVERY day, and I've barely even put a dent in it. This size is amazing, and for the price — holy cow. I seriously never leave reviews, but seriously this stuff is pure magic. I tried vitamin C serum, rosehip, witch hazel, etc. and this is the only thing that has worked for me. Good luck!!" —Jessamyne Campbell

    Get it from Amazon for $8.92.

    14. An antifungal tea tree balm that'll help treat basically any somewhat embarrassing skin condition you can think of: athlete's foot, ringworm, jock itch, and even just dry skin.

    15. A CeraVe salicylic acid body wash if rough, bumpy skin is annoying the heck out of ya. It exfoliates without the harsh microbeads, lifting away dead skin while leaving behind moisturizing hyaluronic acid and calming niacinamide.

    Promising review: "I’ve had keratosis pilaris on my arms for as long as I can remember. I’d exfoliate and moisturize religiously, and it’d make a very slight difference. This body wash is a game changer! I’m usually pretty skeptical, and as someone who has spent SO MUCH MONEY on skincare that people rave about, I’ve learned to not expect much... but truly, I love this body wash. It makes my skin so soft and smooth — even though my KP isn't entirely gone, the difference is noticeable. The bumps aren't as big and red, and there are less of them. It is pretty expensive for the size, but it’s well worth the investment. The consistency is pretty thick, and it foams up so I don’t use a lot. I put like two quarter size onto my exfoliate and scrub all over. Even when I forget to moisturize, my skin feels much smoother." —Hna9

    Get it from Amazon for $12.74.

    16. A handheld steamer, because everyone hates realizing the one shirt they want to wear is balled up and wrinkled.

    17. A cruelty free vitamin C serum for giving your skin a much-needed pick-me-up. Just listen to the 63,000+ people who gave it a 5-star review: this stuff brightens, softens, and dramatically fades hyperpigmentation.

    A reviewer with dark skin showing the serum lightened the acne scars on their forehead and cheeks until they were basically gone
    Progression photos showing redness and acne on reviewer's cheeks is reduced on day 2 and day 4

    Promising review: "This product is amazing. I’ve been using it faithfully in the am and pm for almost three months now and the results are excellent. My pores are smaller, wrinkles appear to be less noticeable, and my skin is smooth and soft. I’m 47 and still have random breakouts but this serum seems to get rid of any breakouts almost overnight. I would highly recommend this product. At first I was skeptical about trying this but I read the reviews and decided to give it a try. I’ve used more expensive serums in the past and this one does a better job than all the others I’ve tried at a fraction of the price." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99.

    18. A pack of reusable toaster bags so you can satisfy your 2 a.m. grilled cheese cravings in minutes. This sure beats making it in a pan...and then having to clean said pan.

    19. A natural shoe deodorizer spray to get rid of the funk from your work flats. It's made with essential oils and smells like lemon and eucalyptus so you'll probably want to spray it around the rest of your house, too.

    The spray bottle

    20. A pack of stain-removing pads that'll tackle all the messes your pets leave behind for you to clean. Pee? Check! Poop? Check! Vomit? Check! (You can even use them to clean up your wine spills.) Just lay them over the spot, give 'em a stomp to activate their cleaning powders, and watch the stain disappear — no bulky carpet steamer necessary!

    Reviewer photo of their dog's accident on a white carpet
    Same reviewer's carpet after two hours, showing that the stains have significantly lightened
    Same reviewer's carpet after the pad sat overnight, showing that the stain is no longer visible

    Promising review: "WOW! Honestly, I was a little skeptical of the promise of these pads, but I bought them just to try out. THEY WORKED AMAZINGLY WELL! Seriously. I have some stains that are 1.5–2 years old. I've tried everything to get them out. I put these pads on the stains (two to cover the spot), let sit for about an hour, pulled them up, and the stain was gone. I truly couldn't believe it. The pad was yellow. Somehow the old urine was soaked up into the pad. My carpet looks like new. I couldn't recommend these any higher for what I wanted and what I got. Wish I could give this more than five stars." —Matt

    Get a pack of 20 from Amazon for $24.99.

    21. A plant-based stainless-steel cleaner and polish if your fridge has been covered in smudges and fingerprints for so long that you've forgotten how beautiful and shiny it once was. Reviewers say it helps keep your surfaces smudge free for longer, meaning less cleaning for you!

    Hands wiping a cloth over a smudged stainless steel fridge and you can clearly see where the cloth has cleaned

    22. A liquid tartar remover because your dog desperately needs their teeth cleaned but won't let you near him with a toothbrush. (Think of it as doggy mouthwash!) Just add this to their water and you'll notice your dog's plaque and bad breath subside.

    Reviewer's before and after of their dog's teeth showing the rinse removed a lot of the dark brown stains

    23. A set of kegel weights for helping not only with incontinence but also potentially making sex easier, less painful, and more enjoyable. These are especially great for people who've just given birth, though anyone can benefit from strengthening their pelvic floor muscles.

    Reviewer holding one of the weights, which is similar in size to a tampon

    24. A cat carrier so you can travel with and groom your kitters without issue. If your cat has decided that their carrier is Public Enemy No. 1, this bag is a good alternative and is designed to keep your cat calm with its roominess and heads-out design.

    25. A stainless steel tongue scraper to banish bad bacteria and improve stinky breath. This way you won't suffer the embarrassment of someone offering you a breath mint.

    Reviewer before and after showing the scraper removed a brown film that was on their tongue

    26. An at-home teeth whitening kit that'll help lighten your smile and is a heck of a lot cheaper than a trip to the dentist. This set comes with a comfortable custom fit tray and an LED light so you can chill with your favorite show while your teeth whiten. If you use it consistently, you can expect a set of pearly whites that are two to eight shades whiter than before.

    27. A nail grinder if your pup's overgrown claws are scratching your beautiful wood floors. It's super quiet and smooth, which is ideal for dogs who get spooked by regular nail clippers.

    Reviewer before and after of a dog's long nails looking neatly trimmed

    28. A set of anti-chafing thigh bands because hell hath no fury like a pair of angry, sweaty, chafing thighs.

    29. A headlight restoration kit for helping you scrub away years of sun damage that's turned your headlights hazy and dull.

    30. A detangling brush so you can separate knots without pulling and breaking your strands. It has flexible bristles that work through gnarls on wet or dry hair.

    31. An exfoliating lip brush to loosen dead skin flakes from your pout. It's double sided; one side is for scrubbing and the other is to stimulate circulation in your lips to make them appear fuller.

    Model holding the brushes, which have different textures for different levels of scrubbing

    32. A pack of AirPod cleaners that'll probably make you actually gasp in horror when you see how much ear goop has been clogging your earbuds. 

    Promising review: "I was skeptical but figured I would try it. I’m glad I did. Not only did it remove the gross stuff in my AirPods, but I also used it on my iPhone speaker ports and it pulled nasty stuff from there as well. Try it, there’s enough in one package for a year or more." —Crazee

    Get 24 from Amazon for $16.99.

    Color me convinced!