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    29 Pet Products That Succeeded Where All Others Had Failed

    Including a set of mini combs to de-crust your dog's eye goop, a nail grinder for pups who hate clippers, and a litter box deodorizer if your house smells like a zoo.

    1. An immunity-boosting allergy supplement if your doggo needs some sweet, sweet relief from itchy hot spots. These soft chews deliver a dose of probiotics and other nutrients to improve immune function, aide digestion, promote healthy skin, and add shine to a dog's coat.

    2. A grooming rake that'll loosen fur, lighten your dog's undercoat, and prevent future mats. This brush is specifically designed for pooches with thick, dense fur or double coats.

    Reviewer photo of a golden retriever sitting next to a big pile of fur that was removed with the rake

    3. A liquid tartar remover for dogs who desperately need their teeth cleaned but who also won't let you near them with a toothbrush. (Think of it as doggy mouthwash!) Just add this to their water and you'll notice your dog's plaque and bad breath subside.

    4. An easy-to-use dental powder you sprinkle in your pet's food to protect their teeth from plaque and to ward off bad breath. Each sprinkle is packed with probiotics and nutrients like zinc, taurine, cranberry powder, and vegetable fats to support gum health.

    5. A bottle of Burt's Bees dander-reducing spray so your cat's coat is soft, shiny, and free of dander and flakes. It's made with aloe vera and oatmeal to condition dry skin and reduce redness.

    Reviewer's before and after showing the spray got rid of their cat's dander

    6. A portable Bissell SpotBot, because who wants to spend hours on their hands and knees scrubbing cat vomit from the carpet with a brush only to remove like 75% of it? The answer: no one. Good thing this'll clean up your messes in minutes.

    7. A pack of matatabi chew sticks if your cat doesn't give a lick about catnip. Matatabi is a plant native to Japan and a catnip alternative. Plus, the stick format helps keep their teeth clean.

    cat chewing on the stick

    8. A mounted brush that'll satisfy your cat's ceaseless demands for scritches. Just mount it to a corner with the included adhesive strips and watch as your beloved babies leave you for the warm embrace of this gray-and-white piece of plastic.

    9. A hair-removing glove for curbing your dog's shedding as well as satisfying his endless desire for some rubbies. It's great if your dog or cat goes running at the sight of a brush.

    The grooming glove with silicone nodules, full of hair held in front of a French bulldog

    10. An interactive cat toy to quickly replace the bin full of other playthings you've bought your kitty over the years...and that they now won't even look at.

    11. An adorable and basically tear-resistant stuffed duck so you can stop spending money on toys that your furry destroyer shreds in approximately 10 seconds. This lil' yellow duck doesn't look like it, but it's built to last.

    12. A creamy paw butter because your pet deserves a little spoiling. This balm moisturizes dry, cracked paws and snoots and is safe if licked or swallowed.

    Reviewer before and after showing the butter moisturized their dog's dry paw

    13. A pet hair remover if you love your fur baby but hate how much they shed...on everything. Roll it over your couch, bed, favorite blanket, you name it, and watch it lift the fur away. See, we can own nice things!!

    Reviewer photo of a black pillow covered in white dog hair and you can clearly see which side they brushed with the fur remover because all the dog hair is gone in that section

    14. A set of mini combs that'll gently detangle the fur around their eyes that's been crusted with eye boogers. This stainless steel brush delicately picks out the goop so you don't have to touch it yourself.

    15. A nail grinder for trimming your pup's claws so you can cuddle without getting scratches all over your legs and arms. It's super quiet and smooth, which is ideal for dogs who get spooked by regular nail clippers.

    Before photo of a dog's overgrown nails and an after photo of the same dog with nails that are neatly trimmed

    16. Or a nail file board to keep their claws from becoming overgrown. This is like an emery board for your dog and is great for pups who cannot handle clippers or grinders.

    Dog rubbing its nails on a pink board

    17. A cat litter deodorizer so you don't have to clean the litter box every single day to prevent the smell from taking over your home.

    Hand sprinkling the product into a litter box

    18. Or a bag of premium clumping litter because scooping the litter box and having the clumps break into a dozen pieces while releasing a pee- and ammonia-scented cloud is your biggest frustration with your current litter. Ding ding ding! This winning litter will prevent that problem. Plus reviewers say the odor control is fantastic.

    Reviewer's cat in their litter box

    19. An automatic water fountain if your picky cat needs encouragement to stay hydrated. Some cats hate drinking still water (long story short, it's a defense mechanism), so a fountain with running water may be more enticing.

    20. An anti-fungal antibacterial spray made with cooling aloe that'll treat a range of skin conditions, including allergies, cuts, hot spots, infections, rashes, and scrapes.

    21. An ear treatment for cleaning your poor pet's ears of buildup and prevent inflammation and irritation. These ear drops are designed to protect against a variety of fungal and bacterial infections, like yeast and staph infections.

    Reviewer's before and after showing the treatment cleared all the brown crustiness from their dog's ears

    22. A broom for pet hair to loosen the fur trapped in your carpet. It works just as well on wood and linoleum, with the rubber head working as a magnet to attract stray hairs. There's also a built-in squeegee for wiping up liquids or for cleaning glass. Plus, the handle extends from 36 to 60 inches so it can reach practically any mess.

    23. A snout soother so your pup's snoot stays soft, moisturized, and oh-so boopable.

    24. A waterless cat bath because as much as we love our fur babies, sometimes they truly smell like that pile of vomit on the sidewalk I avoided last Friday night. This leave-in foam can moisturize their skin and leave it squeaky clean.

    25. A purring cat toy if your kitty is suffering from anxiety. This purple guy has a built-in purring mechanism so your feline can enjoy the sensation of curling up to another purring "cat." It also plays calming, comforting sounds.

    26. A Wobble Wag Giggle ball with an internal noisemaker and six pockets that'll engage your pet's natural curiosity and having them rolling, fetching, and shaking it until they're panting.

    A very happy white, brown, and black dog sitting on grass with the ball in front of him

    27. A cleansing wrinkle cream for squishy-faced breeds — like Frenchies, bulldogs, and pugs — which have a tendency to develop tear stains and infections in their skin folds. Long-haired breeds can also benefit from a good cleaning every now and then.

    28. An odor-eliminating spray for lifting stains and odors fast. Each spray releases bacteria that feeds on the ammonia left behind after your pet's accidents, eliminating the urine completely and deterring your pet from peeing in the same spot again.

    The spray

    29. A touchless stationary vacuum to making cleaning the pile of fur your dog sheds each week easy peasy lemon squeezy. Bending over and sweeping everything into a dust pan only for half of it to not make it into the pan and for the other half to erupt into a dirt cloud that makes you cough? That's a no from me, dawg.

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