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    25 Kitchen Products That'll Help Make Food Taste Better

    Today I learned that I've been cooking all wrong.

    1. A jar of Za'atar a deliciously complex Middle Eastern spice blend that'll probably be gone before you know it — that's how good it is. This specific mix is made with thyme, toasted sesame seeds, and sumac, and will make a mouthwatering addition to meats, bread, olive oil, yogurt, and more.

    2. Trader Joe's Everything But The Bagel Seasoning to sprinkle on everything, and I mean that everything. It's great dusted on top of avocado toast, eggs, bagels, chicken, fish, veggies, and the list goes on.

    3. And speaking of Trader Joe's, their Everything But The Elote Seasoning so you can add flavor of Mexican street corn to your favorite foods. This flavorful mixture of salt, chili pepper, cheese, chipotle, and cumin makes plain corn a treat, but it's also a tasty topping on popcorn, veggies, meat, eggs, and nuts — and that list barely scratches the surface.

    4. A bottle of Mike's Hot Honey for anyone who enjoys the sweet and spicy side of life. Drizzle it on pizza, ice cream, waffles, wings, cheeseboards, and even in cocktails to create something un-bee-lievably delicious.

    5. *Or*, a bottle of Truff hot sauce because it's a sophisticated condiment made with chilis, agave nectar, spices, and, of course, black truffle, that can transform any meal into a gourmet experience. *chef's kiss* Oh, and Oprah likes it.

    Hand pouring the red hot sauce on a piece of pizza

    6. A 5-in-1 wine stopper if you want to make your bottle of two-buck chuck taste so much more expensive. While this tool will mainly make your wine taste better, it aerates your vino, which can enhance the flavor of your meal.

    Wine bottle with stopper attached

    7. A veggie dicer that'll uniformly chop your veggies so you don't ruin a recipe because you messily hand-chopped your onion and the smaller pieces burned while the larger pieces are under-cooked.

    Four plates full of veggies that have been chopped with the dicer

    8. A panini press to achieve perfect grill marks and a delicious char on your sandwiches, burritos, and quesadillas. It's time to take your cold sammies up a notch! Plus, the top plate locks so you can also use it to toast your pizza and even bruschetta.

    Reviewer photo of two quesadillas with grill marks

    9. A 7-in-1 Instant Pot so you chow down on tender beans, melt-in-your-mouth meats, and perfect rice every time. IDK why but meals never taste as good if you make them the old-fashioned way — so don't!

    The Instant Pot

    10. A set of produce storage containers for extending the life of your favorite fruits and veggies. Your food will taste better because you're cooking with produce that's still at peak freshness instead of soggy and overripe.

    11. A soil-free AeroGarden Harvest because fresh herbs are an easy way to make your meals even more appetizing — and this'll help you grow them without ever having to step foot outside.

    The AeroGarden

    12. A garlic press if the hassle of chopping garlic has put you off this tangy bulb vegetable. There aren't many dishes that won't benefit from the addition of garlic and this press removes all the inconveniences of mincing it so you really have no excuse to *not* toss some garlic into the pan. Your tastebuds will thank you!

    13. A handy dandy microplane to balance a fatty dish with some acidic citrusy zest, or add creaminess to pasta with a dash of grated Parmesan.

    The microplane grating a block of cheese over a plate of pasta

    14. A truly ~egg-cellent~ rapid egg cooker so you never have to suffer through a plate of rubbery scrambled eggs. This lil' guy can whip you up an omelet (or a soft-, medium-, or hard-boiled egg as well as poached eggies) without you ever having to dirty a pan.

    Reviewer photo of poached eggs on an English muffin

    15. An egg slicer for livening up your boring salad and making you actually look forward to lunchtime. Reviewers say it's also strong enough to slice soft fruits and foods.

    The egg slicer

    16. An infusion machine because you've been really missing out on more complex flavor by not infusing your butter and oil. You can customize the flavors and even use it to make your own herbal soap.

    The machine

    17. An air fryer if you love the crunch of fried foods but could do without all the grease. You can make all your restaurant faves — like chicken wings, crispy breaded eggplant, charred veggies, and even donuts — with this magical appliance. It's even great for reheating foods that usually get soggy in the microwave, like pizza!

    18. A food processor that'll convince you to stop buying inferior shelf-stable ingredients because you hate the work involved with preparing and cooking them. All cheese is good cheese, but mac 'n' cheese with freshly grated cheese is *chef's kiss*.

    The food processor, which has a large feed chute that can fit an entire block of cheese

    19. A meat tenderizer to make your $10 steak taste like it cost 10 times that.

    The tenderizer, which looks like a stamp and has teeth that tenderize the meat

    20. Or a high-tech Instant Pot sous vide so you can enjoy restaurant-quality meals with ingredients that came from your kitchen. The best part about the sous vide method is that you can set it in your pot and forget it.

    The sous vide immersion circulator in a pot with a bag of meat

    21. A fruit-infused water bottle for anyone who hates drinking plain water. Add in the fruit of your choice and you'll actually enjoy every sip.

    The water bottle with strawberries and blackberries in it

    22. A fermentation kit because sauerkraut, kimchi, and pickles are deliciously tangy and objectively better versions (don't @ me) of cabbage and cucumbers. Each kit comes with a vacuum pump to ensure your food won't mold as it ferments, as well as special lids so you won't have to burp your jars.

    Three jars holding different foods, including pickles

    23. A 3-in-1 burger press if you'd be perfectly happy to never eat another store-bought frozen burger patty again. You can make sliders, as well as regular-size burgers *and* stuffed burgers.

    24. A soft serve maker that'll somehow make the fruits you put in taste even more luscious than when you put them in.

    The machine

    25. A handheld milk foamer so you'll forgo a trip to a coffee shop in favor of making a luxurious latte at home.

    You eating and drinking after buying something from this list:

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