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TikTok Résumés Are A Thing Now, And I'm Not Sure How To Feel About It

"They would look at my content and throw the whole thing away."

Earlier this month, TikTok announced the launch of its new TikTok Resumes feature. The social platform has teamed up with brands like Chipotle, Target, and Shopify so users can apply for entry-level positions on the app.


Searching for your dream job? Try #TikTokResumes to create a video resume that highlights your experience, career, and best work!

♬ original sound - TikTok

Here's how it works: You can look at job postings on TikTok's site or on the app, then apply by submitting your video résumé and a link to your LinkedIn profile.

On the one hand, it seems like an interesting new way to find and apply for jobs and showcase your personality and achievements in the process.

Character saying interesting
TikTok comments, one saying "If I get laughed at for doing this ima be upset" and "This is going to be revolutionary"

But on the other hand, video résumés in general have been criticized for their potential to introduce bias into the initial applicant-screening process.

Character saying not cool
Commenters saying "So you can shadowban people's resumes like you do views?" and "So y'all banning the word black now"
Comment saying "Are they gonna censor the resumes like they do POC, women, and LGBT+"

Plus, some people feel understandably uncomfortable connecting with employers on a social platform where they maybe haven't always presented their most ~professional~ selves.

Commenter saying "They would look at my content and throw the whole thing away"
Commenter saying "I'm not sure how you twerking adds value to our company"

So now I want to hear from you!

Got anything to add? Share your opinions or experiences with TikTok and job searching in the comments!

And for more stories about money and careers, check out the rest of our personal finance posts