Ryan Reynolds Interviewed Hugh Jackman And Hit Him With All The Hard Questions

    "How much of Hugh Jackman's immense success is raw talent, and how much is just advantageous bone structure?"

    Ryan Reynolds recently crashed the junket for Eddie the Eagle, and took the opportunity to interview Wolverine himself, Hugh Jackman.

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    The two took the interview VERY seriously, as you can tell by Ryan's line of questioning.

    As well as bringing up a few old memories...

    ...though it doesn't look like Ryan was buying any of it.

    Ryan took a few fan questions from a "Bryan Blenolds" and a "Blake Lively".

    Also, there's hope for that ~Wolverine Dundee~ movie we've all been waiting for.


    "Those aren't adamantium claws...THESE are adamantium claws."

    Wolverine + Deadpool 4 eva.