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Andrew Sullivan Takes On BuzzFeed During Social Media Week

At last night's Social Media Week panel, a heated (but friendly) debate over editorial independence vs. advertising interests erupted between The Dish blogger Andrew Sullivan and BuzzFeed's Editor-in-Chief Ben Smith (and many Buzzfeed staff members in the audience). Here's a recap of the conversation as it unfolded by a mix of journalists, marketers, and bloggers in social media:

MattHurst 11 years ago

Mitt Romney Is Terrible For Traffic

We admit it, and so do other bloggers and editors: Nobody seems to want to read stories about Mitt Romney. For the candidate, a blessing or a curse?

McKay Coppins 11 years ago

The Only Good Gif Is A Huge Gif

Think of your favorite gif. Now imagine that gif filling your entire screen, like a movie. BLISS, right? That's what Maxgif does.

John Herrman 12 years ago

The Best/Worst Ron Paul Fan Music

Paul's acolytes produce a lot of Ron Paul-themed music. When's the last time you heard a rap song called "I'M WIT MITT ROMNEY"?

Rosie Gray 12 years ago

"Sold On St. Louis" Music Video, Circa 1987

Because every successful sports team in the late 1980s made a music video, St. Louis made this video to try linking winning St. Louis Cardinals team with economic development in the city of St. Louis.

MattHurst 12 years ago