16 Everyday Moments Of Pure Panic

    Hey, I found you on Tumblr!

    1. The moment you realize you walked out of the store without the thing you went there for.

    2. When you realize daylight savings has kicked in and your internal clock is royally screwed.

    3. The moment you realize you don't even remember the last time you washed your jeans.

    4. The daily moment of realizing you'll be late (again).

    5. The moment you realize you don't hate a certain singer as much as you thought you did.

    6. The moment you catch a glimpse of your reflection in a passing window.

    7. When your elation about the coming of spring is suddenly struck with reality.

    8. Any fleeting moment when you may forget how awesome you are.

    9. The horrifying moment someone tells you they found your Tumblr.

    10. The moment your poor little toes turn on you.

    11. The moment of terror when you pass two whispering friends.

    12. That post-meal moment when you realize you may have eaten a bit too much.

    13. The moment you get old enough to start feeling the pressure of expectations to have kids.

    14. The moment you realize you may never see your schoolmates again.

    15. Any moment when someone expects you to shave your legs for anyone other than yourself.

    16. The moment you realize you've made a terrible drunken mistake.

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