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    19 Things For Anyone Who Is Missing Someone Right Now

    Whether by heartbreak or distance, here are some creature comforts to get you through.

    1. This custom digital illustrated portrait, which will turn precious photos into art for your walls.

    2. This weighted blanket, which will help you get your eight hours if your sore heart is getting in the way these nights.

    3. This sequined cushion, which you can customise with the face of your loved one — then can hide with the swipe of your hand when you have guests over.

    4. This, Lit Chat: Conversation Starters About Books and Life — just because you can't be together in person, doesn't mean you can't stay connected.

    5. This book, Sorrows of Love by The School of Life, which if you're missing someone because of a break-up, will comfort you more than any of your well-meaning friends' words will.

    6. This, Why I Miss You book, which can be personalised to be reflective of your unique relationship, then sent to the person you're missing.

    7. This Echo Show 8, which you can plop on any surface in your home where you might want to video call the person you're missing.

    8. This T2 Sleep Tight loose leaf tea, which will instantly settle you and your over-stimulated, heart-sore nerves.

    9. This photo printer, so you can surround yourself with memories while you wait to be reunited.

    Photo developer beside collage of photos.

    10. This opal-inspired PopSocket — because now that all your interactions are over the phone, it'd be ideal if you would stop dropping it so often.

    11. And this phone charging stand for your desk, because there's nothing worse than being mid-conversation and your phone dying.

    Phone about to be placed on charging station.

    12. This UV phone steriliser, because spending so much time with your mobile against your face, you want to know it's not carrying any hidden nasties.

    Phone steriliser on desk next to phone.

    13. These Bluetooth-connected touch bracelets, which will light your loved one's bracelet when you touch it, letting them know you're thinking of them.

    14. These sweet, engraved rings, which have the option of several hand signs so you can wear your heart on your...finger.

    15. These aromatherapy essential oils, which will help relieve the tension built up from missing someone as hard as you are.

    16. And this aromatherapy oil diffuser, which will distribute said calming scents to the far reaches of your room.

    17. This jar of Happy Pills — a daily reminder of what there is to be happy about, though you may be missing someone.

    18. This sweet and simple card, which will tell your loved one everything you wish you to say (though you certainly can say more on the inside).

    19. And finally, this embossed leather wallet, which can be inscribed with your own message in your personal handwriting.

    Me, at least four times a day: