We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    These 32 Products Want To Help You, And You Should Let Them

    Magnetic drawer locks, cooling sheets, a touchless vacuum, and 29 other products that are happy to lend a helping hand.

    1. A bottle of No Pore-Blem primer that'll smooth out your skin pre-foundation, practically erasing the appearance of pores and uneven skin. And that's not all! It also adds moisture through a mixture of collagen and green tea extract. Drink that in.

    A before/after of a nose with diminished appearance of pores after, plus a hand with a swatch of the sheer product

    Promising review: "I wanted to give this product 10 stars.. But was only limited to 5. This stuff is AMAZING!!!! I'm almost 30, and my face has become super oily... Like I can fry chicken on it by the end of the day. So for months I've neglected wearing any kind of foundation or makeup in general. After reading reviews I figured I would give this a try. The glow it gives you is AWESOME!!! it makes my skin so soft.... I'm probably going to wear just this and no foundation 50% of the time. I went for it and did my whole face and ladies.. You know that could mean several steps of products...After the Texas heat...And the sun. And amounts of sweat. My face was PERFECT......STILL! No oil... No smears... No pores... This is literally sent from heaven!!!! My ONLY dislike is the fact that you can't purchase this in 5-gallon buckets!" —Jessica

    Get it from Amazon for $14.40.

    2. An ultra-thin socket cover with an attached six-plug power strip to help your furniture actually sit directly against the wall, thank you very much. 

    a reviewer photo of  a hand holding the outlet cover with a power strip attached
    a reviewer photo of the slim outlet cover with a piece of furniture up against the wall

    Promising review: "This product is awesome! We bought one in the office to stop a nearby chair from continuously hitting the outlet plugs. It solved the problem right away. So we ordered three more to use anywhere there is bulk on the wall. It saves space, makes arranging furniture and desks easy, it's clean looking. Someone is a genius. Thanks so much!" —Jay

    Get it from Amazon for $23.95+ (available in seven styles).

    3. A keychain bracelet for those of us who suffer through playing an eternal game of hide-and-seek with our house/car keys. This clever bracelet can help you find them with a simple flick of the wrist! Bless.

    multiple tassel bracelets with initialed charms
    person wearing the bracelet with their keys attached
    Tart Design Co.

    Wichita, Kansas is the home of Tart Design Co., where owner Claire Tourtillott creates one-of-a-kind home goods and accessories. Tourtillott refers to her design style as a happy medium "where sweet and sour designs meet."

    Promising review: "This is my favorite thing. I used to lose my keys and this has been by my side since it got delivered. It’s so convenient and cute! I also bought my mom one and she loves it. Thank you for the color options! It’s so hard to choose." —Marina Fuller

    Get it from Tart Design Co. on Etsy for $13.95+ (originally $15.50+, available in 16 band colors and seven charm styles).

    4. A pack of Downy fabric spray — if you find yourself getting worry wrinkles over keeping your linen wardrobe pressed, this spray is gonna *finally* rid your caftans and pants of those stubborn crinkles and creases. 

    "I hate wrinkles *and* am lazy — two at-odds conditions. This stuff has been a staple in my life since approximately ninth grade (thanks to my mama). As a former Catholic school uniform wearer, I have discovered that this stuff was VITAL to freshening up wrinkly dress shirts that spent the after-school hours stuffed in a gym bag. The scent is light and fresh and its wrinkle-releasing powers are nearly instant. It definitely works better on some fabrics than others (great on cotton, less great on some synthetics), but it'll improve the look of most without dealing with an iron or steamer." —Danielle Healy, BuzzFeed

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $14.24.

    5. A rechargeable hair trimmer that is the future of hair removal. This nifty palm-sized gadget doesn't require soap or water, so you can use it anywhere! Get this and "shaving" can be smooth sailing from here on out.

    Promising review: "I love, love, love this shaver. It works great. Easy to use. It's design is a comfortable fit in my hand. The side grips allow no slipping. The more I use it the smoother my legs are. I have course hair and trouble with razor burn and ingrown hairs. Thus unit feels like an exfoliant treatment each time I use it. Really great. No irritation. I highly recommend it." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $39.88

    6. A set of hidden magnetic locks that install in seconds with tape to keep your pint-sized cat burglar from breaking into your secret candy stash (and thus, leaving wrappers *everywhere*). 

    A box with locks, keys, key holders and latches
    reviewer's video showing them opening the drawer with a magnetic key

    The set comes with 12 locks (with strong 3M double-sided tape on the back) and two keys.

    Promising review: "These are awesome! I spent hours with a drill and screwdriver installing push down locks on cupboards five years ago. I now have another crawling baby, and those ones are all broken. I was dreading installing new ones and saw these. They literally go on in seconds, the bracket means it lines up perfectly, and the adhesive is strong! My older kids think the magnet key is super fun. Baby stays out of the chemicals, and I put one on the trash door, so the dog stays out of the trash so everyone gets to live longer. Win-win. I also love that you can 'turn' them off and on, so when my kids are bigger, we can flip the switch, but if little kids were visiting, we could put them back on."Joseph J. Krakker

    Get a set from Amazon for $33.99.

    7. A fabric defuzzer is gonna clean up sweaters, sofas, and other aging fabrics that have been a real ~pill~ lately.

    Check out our write-up on this magical fabric defuzzer! The battery-operated model requires two AA batteries, not included. 

    Promising review: "Okay, I don’t normally rave about things like this. I bought this on a whim in a last attempt to save my favorite duvet cover. The pills had gotten to the point where it was seriously uncomfortable to sleep with them getting all up in my leg space. I thought I was going to have to get a new duvet cover entirely. Along came this lil' baby. Not only is my duvet cover basically brand new, but I have found a new hobby. I’m depilling everything. Sweatshirts, leggings, blankets, socks, anything that looks like it needs some love. It does the job quickly and leaves everything looking fresh. Hi, I’m obsessed. I can’t stop. I should send this back. I’ve started asking if my neighbors need anything depilled. I’m going to buy one of these for everyone in my life. Everyone needs to own this. Take it away from me." —Sydney Jensen

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99+ (available in six colors and two styles).

    8. A tattoo aftercare salve that'll make both colored and monochrome tattoos look out of this world lovely. This soothes, protects, and enhances the look of your ink, both fresh and faded.  

    my arm in colored tattoos highlighted with the product
    reviewer before and after with gray line tattoo looking darker and more defined with use of product
    Mallory Mower / BuzzFeed, www.amazon.com

    I use Mad Rabbit products on my own tattoos. Every product is vegan and cruelty-free (making it great on sensitive skin). I've recommended it to all my friends with tattoos. The soothing gel is lightweight and calming, the sunscreen is effective without feeling heavy, and the balm makes tattoos look gorgeous (my arm pictured above, left). I'm truly surprised by how well color pops with this stuff! 

    Mad Rabbit was found by college friends Oliver Zak and Selom Agbitor after seeing a gap in the market for all-natural products to heal, protect and enhance tattoos. They pitched their tattoo salve in season 12 of Shark Tank.

    Promising review: "Product was awesome. It rejuvenated a 5-year-old tattoo and made it look like new again. Mad Rabbit absorbed into the skin very easily without being greasy." —Janson Ward

    Get it from Amazon for $17+ (available in three scents). 

    9. A ridiculously charming exfoliating stick that gently scrubs your skin, drawing out excess sebum, whiteheads, and blackheads from your pores. With this little friend, you'll no longer have all that octo-puss inside your pores! 

    A black small octopus shaped remover in a reviewer's hand
    the cap off to show the salt on the top of the remover

    Promising review: "After just two days of use, this adorable little octopus has done wonders for me, smells great too. Here's how I used it: I wore down the stick just a little to where the texture from the salt is visible, scrubbed around on my face so there was plenty of product, then I used my fingers to gently massage all the gunk away. Rinse, pat dry, and enjoy the softness. Highly recommended for people with sensitive skin like myself." —LuckLocust

    Get it from Amazon for $12.50

    10. A set of six pantry organizers so you can keep snacks on hand, keep your fridge looking crisp, and also prevent any spills or drips from making a mess. Cool.

    Promising review: "These are so helpful if your fridge is cluttered. I bought these for my mom who is an extremely cluttered person. I love her to death, but she is not an organized person. Her fridge used to look wild. There would be food piled on top of food, and small jars and containers EVERYWHERE. I bought her these to help her organize everything. Now she can see what she has and everything has a place. Thank you for making something like this to help those that are so cluttered." —MioRioZio

    Get it from Amazon for $19.54+ (also available in pack of 12).

    11. A pack of AirPod cleaners, because globs of ear goop just might be preventing you from hearing that good good base. Gross.

    Promising review: "I never usually write reviews but this is an exception. I've had my AirPods for over a year and when the sound quality was diminishing, I was afraid they had a short life expectancy and I would need to get a new pair! Even after using cotton buds to clean the AirPods out, I thought that was enough until my friend said there's stuff built up and hard to see, but there was nothing able to get it out! Enter this product — it literally took five minutes to clean each ear bud effectively and instantly the sound quality was as good as new! Loud, clear, less trouble connecting to my phone, etc. I really suggest giving this product. You don't need a full square to clean them, so you can pull a piece off or reuse a square with a side you haven't used! SO happy I found a solution!" —Amazon Customer

    Get 24 from Amazon for $15.99 (also available in packs of 12 and 36).

    12. A Scrubbing Bubbles toilet cleaning stamp to polish your toilet without ever touching a dirty toilet brush. With each flush, the stamp releases the cleaning gel, which foams and cleans your toilet.

    Gif of a hand stamping the gel in a toilet, the toilet flushing, and arrows showing how the gel is able to clean the bowl
    A hand stamping the circle of gel in the toilet
    Scrubbing Bubbles / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie8Pubca84E, Scrubbing Bubbles

    Promising review: "I was sooo skeptical and confused about how they’d work but the gel solidifies and with every flush, suds wash through with the water and it really makes a fresh difference. Also the scent is light but really nice and fresh! I recommend these 100%! They’re super interesting but they do the job." —Janet

    Get six stamps from Amazon for $4.44.

    13. Motion-activated LED light strips that'll give you juuust the right amount of lighting when you wake up in the middle of the night needing the bathroom. 

    These charge up with a standard outlet or four AA batteries.

    Promising review: "These are great; I absolutely love them. I placed them on my steps and they are just a showstopper! Everyone had to ask about them. I especially love that you can use them connected to an outlet or without by simply placing batteries in the battery compartment. Best thing ever!!!" —Jesse

    Get six meters from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in four lengths and in cool or warm white).

    14. A lock bag for anyone who has been keeping their most important papers somewhere less than *safe*. This is even fire and water proof!

    Graphic of opened bag with labels pointing out features like a password lock, main pockets, seven large pockets, four U disk positions, 16 card slots, and four mesh bags

    Promising review: "I am loving my new safe storage for important documents. I now have a place to keep passports, my wedding license, car titles, mortgages, and wedding photos. If disaster happens I can have my mind at ease. I love that it has a fireproof zipper, a code lock design, and a strong handle that adds storage security and carrying safety." —Jenn A

    Get it from Amazon for $27.99+ (available in three colors).

    15. A handy Souper Cubes freezer tray to make it ~souper~ easy to freeze notoriously hard-to-freeze things like soups and sauces. Being able to defrost individual portions of soup has my all-too-adult heart all aflutter.

    The five-compartment teal container that looks like a large ice cube tray, with a perfectly rectangular block of frozen soup next to it
    A reviewer's trays full of stew, one with the lid on and one with it off

    This is BPA-free and dishwasher safe!

    Promising review: "LOVE LOVE LOVE. My freezer is so much more organized now. Gone are the days of having to defrost an entire bag of chicken broth for one cup for a recipe. I now have perfectly portioned half-cup and one-cup blocks ready to go. They fit easily in freezer bags, take up less space, and make me incredibly happy. There was a lot of attention to detail put into the design and I particularly appreciate the wire inside the rim that holds everything steady — no more worrying about spilling all the liquid on the way to the freezer. Just a fantastic product all around. I purchased this and a cheaper version from another manufacturer at the same time, but returned the other product. This one is definitely worth the added cost." —Kate

    Get it from Amazon for $19.95.

    16. A silverware cubby for upgrading your currently cluttered utensil drawer. This space-saving solution practically flat packs your flatware.

    Reviewer's skinny drawer with utensil holder tidily holding all silverware
    Several utensil holders side-by-side with tons of utensils in the individual slots

    I use this in my kitchen! I have to admit...it hasn't exaaactly helped with organization. What it *has* done is created a neat and orderly spot for my utensils...opening up a ton of extra drawer space for my unruly stash of pens, bouillon cubes, drink flavor packets, and the like. Long story short — I recommend this for tidy and messy folks alike!

    Promising review: "We were short on storage and drawer space and this worked perfectly for our tiny drawer!" —Angela McMichael

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in three colors).

    17. A set of temperature-regulating sheets so after ages of tossing and turning from sleeping too hot, you can finally say, "Sleeping? No sweat!" Sorry, all other sheets.

    My Sheets Rock Temperature Regulating Set in white
    The same set in red
    www.instagram.com, My Sheets Rock

    Promising review: "I have tried other bamboo sheets, cotton, and linen before these and I LOVE these sheets the most." —Frank P.

    Get them from My Sheets Rock for $149+ (available in nine colors and seven sizes).

    18. A Guac-Lock, because learning how to keep leftovers fresh is a life skill worth feeding into. Go ahead, enjoy that homemade guacamole for days on end!

    The clear and green cylindrical container
    The reviewer's fresh-looking guacamole

    Promising review: "This thing works! This picture (on the right) is 6-day-old guacamole. It's as green and fresh as it was the day I made it! I can't believe it. Amazing." —Janice Hell

    Get it from Amazon for $18.99.

    19. A purse organizer that'll let you fill your bag with every item you could possibly need while out...without compromising on staying impressively organized. Oh, you need a bandage? 

    A chaotic purse without the organizer
    An organized purse with the organizer

    Promising review: "I love this organizer so much! It’s lightweight too, so it doesn’t add extra weight to your bag. I feel so organized and will no longer be stressed looking for things in my purse!" —Sarah

    Get it from Amazon for $15.88+ (available in six sizes and 20 styles).

    20. A nail biting polish so you can finally break this frustrating habit. Once you see how healed your fingers look after using this you can proudly shout "Nailed it!" And you should.

    Promising review: "This really helps!!! I've been biting my nails to the nub for 24 years. I have nails now and I don't bite anymore; that's all I wanted. This product made that happen. It taste SO bad, I never realized how much I subconsciously put my hands in my mouth until I used this. However, I figured I should warn you/give you guys a heads up, be prepared to taste this on ANY AND ALL foods you have to eat with your hands. To me, that was a small sacrifice I was DEFINITELY willing to make to get my nails to this point. I don't even need to use it anymore because now I'm more aware of my nails. All in all, I HIGHLY recommend this product." —Kelsey Walton

    Get it from Amazon for $15.50.

    21. A magnetic bobby pin tray that holds tight to your hair pins, getting you out of any ~hairy~ situations when your 'do doesn't quite stay in place.

    Promising review: "I love this product. My bathroom drawer looks so organized now that my bobby pins aren’t all over the place. I loved that it came with bobby pins which I had no idea would be included! It's nice to also have some new bobby pins!" —Monica

    Get it from Amazon for $16.49 (available in two colors).

    22. A pack of four anti-snoring clips can help you (and your family) if your snoring is preventing everyone from falling asleep.

    packaging with four clear u-shaped nose clips, with magnetized ends and a carrying case
    closeup of my face with the nose clip inserted. it looks like a clear septum ring.
    Amazon, Mallory Mower / BuzzFeed

    I love this product so much I am willing to share a photo of it shoved up my nose just to show one off! I tried so many snoring solutions (I'm an actual monster, you do NOT want to hear me sleep) with no luck. I couldn't fall asleep with mouth guards and the different sprays I tried just seemed like snake oil. I used nose strips for a while, but they would fall off at night and didn't do much. These clips WORK! The magnets keep it secure in my nose and it's a cinch to fall asleep, the clips are that comfortable. Plus it looks less dweebie than basically any other physical product I've tried. And snoring? That's a thing of the past.

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99.

    23. A cervical neck "pillow" that'll provide ergonomic support, align your spine, and give you a much needed vertebrae massage simply by lying down.

    graphic of the pillow improving a person's posture with use
    reviewer laying on the neck pillow

    After ages of looking at this thing and wondering if it was the real deal, I finally buckled and bought it. My husband and I both carry stress in our neck, and we're on our computers all day for work, so we needed some serious help. This is surprisingly comfortable to lay on. I use it 10 minutes a day and have noticed serious pain relief, and believe it is a great tool as I work on improving my posture.

    If you have any neck or back issues, talk to your doctor before use.

    Promising review: "I was very surprised at the quality of this neck and shoulder relaxer especially at this price. It has a nice structure to it, but is also soft enough to cradle your neck in comfort. Just taking a few minutes to use this helps to improve my neck and shoulder pain greatly. This especially helps when you have slept on your neck wrong and have a Crick in your neck. Very happy with my purchase and would definitely recommend it." —Cindy

    Get it from Amazon for $28.99 (available in six colors).

    24. A rechargeable light necklace is gonna give you some peace of mind while walking your dog at night. This thing is especially useful if you play fetch with your dog when it's dark, or if they love running around your large yard at night. There's a reason this thing has ~glowing~ reviews!

    An example of the collar glowing in five colors at once
    A reviewer's image of their dog wearing the collar that is clearly glowing brightly even while being worn inside the house
    Chewy, Khaos

    Promising review: "Everyone should have one of these! It's great quality! I love how it alternates colors and how you can make it stick to one color. My dog loves his necklace. This is a fabulous purchase. Get one right now!" —Khaos

    Get it from Chewy for $15.99 (originally $19.99).

    25. A snazzy shower system so you can completely upgrade your shower game. Why do any of us have a plain ol' showerhead when the future is NOW and this thing exists?!

    tiled shower with faux wood and the shower panel attached to the wall
    marble shower with the panel on one wall

    Promising review: "I love this shower system. It has waterfall, rain, handheld, soft spray, hard spray, and a spout (which I use to wash my feet in my shower). I love this product and would 100% purchase it again. I think you could put this in a standard 30"x60" tub and upgrade your shower experience. Enjoy!" —Paul M.

    Get it from Amazon for $245.34+ (available in two colors and two designs).

    26. An under-the-sink water filtration system that'll let you grab a glass and drink straight from the sink, knowing it's already filtered perfection.

    The system hooked up in the cabinet under a kitchen sink (it's about the size of a small fire extinguisher)

    It has a two-step filter that removes 99.99% of contaminants, and it comes with direct connect hoses to hook right up to the standard 3/8" valves in U.S. kitchen sinks. It's designed to be installed in under three minutes.

    Promising review: "We have town water and it seems they are putting more and more chlorine in it every year. We should be getting used to it and tasting it less and less, not more! The refrigerator filters are super expensive and weren't cutting it. Every time I put a glass to my mouth it smelled like a swimming pool. I searched the internet and decided to give this a try due to the positive reviews and affordability. Wow! easy install (I'm an avid DIYer). And the taste! The chorine taste is just gone! No more overpriced fridge filters for us. I love that the filter replacement procedure is basically the same as a fridge. Just twist and remove. We love it so much I teed off the fridge line and put a dispenser at our sink as well. The flow on this thing is just amazing! And the water tastes great! Don't waste your money on the expensive, complicated ones. My parents have a three-chambered, name brand filter at their house. It was expensive, the replacement filters are expensive, it is a pain in the petunias to replace the filters, and the flow rate is pathetic! But guess what! Our water from this filter tastes just as good as theirs at a fraction of the price, plus it's way more convenient, plus the flow rate is way better. I just can't say enough. Love, Love it! You will too!" —BJ

    Get it from Amazon for $69.99.

    27. A pair of blind-spot mirrors to keep you confident when you're forced to parallel park in front of a Porsche. 

    The blind spot mirror attached to a rearview mirror showing more closely, how much room is next to the car door

    Promising review: "I bought these for my mom's car and mine a while ago and these little things are great. Since I got my license I've hated merging or switching lanes; I never felt good or safe doing it. Since having these its been a blessing, I feel less like a scared new driver. I'm currently encouraging my sister and friends to invest in these too! These are also great for backing up, because you can see exactly how close you are to hitting the car behind, and it's helpful when I parallel park in the city." —Mariam Abass

    Get them from Amazon for $6.97 (available in four shapes and packs of two and four).

    28. A window-installed pet door so your pet can easily get in and out of the house, even if you have a rental. No more destroying doors while making tinier doors!

    cat sitting on windowsill in front of the door
    cat in an outdoor enclosure connected to the house through the window door

    Promising review: "I love this! We didn’t have a good place to make a hole in the wall to our backyard but we do have low windows next to our fireplace, so it was a match to get this window door. It was super easy to install and we love the locking feature. We got a snow storm and it took a while for our garden beds to stop being muddy. We locked the door so kitty wouldn’t bring in mud. I will say it is a bit drafty, so we got an extra weather strip to secure the draftiness. Our kitty only took a couple of days to get used to it too. We put his food just outside the window and he had to get used to going out there to get his food. All in all it was a great buy!" —AlyHowell

    Get it from Amazon for $104.99+ (available in four flap sizes and three window width sizes)

    29. A pack of vacuum storage bags for giving you back SO much storage space. Fill up a bag with clothes, towels, or other linens, suck out the air, and watch the pile shrink down to a fraction of its original size!

    Reviewer's before picture of messy closet filled with blankets and towels
    Reviewer's now clean-looking closet

    Read BuzzFeed editor Maitland Quitmeyer's praise for these space savers:

    "The plastic is thick, the bags rarely re-inflate, and I feel confident that everything is safe and secure when stored inside. When you take things out, just give anything a quick steam if super wrinkled and it's ready to wear! Take it from this Virgo, my closet game is forever changed!!! Seasonal closet transitions = a breeze with these."

    Love what you're reading? Check out Maitland's full Spacesaver vacuum storage bags review!

    Get a six-pack from Amazon for $21.99+ (available in five pack styles).

    30. touchless vacuum so you can throw that dust pan in the GARBAGE where it belongs. You will no longer bend and snap every time you sweep. 

    reviewer photo showing cat next to automatic vacuum
    gif of reviewer sweeping pet hair into eye vac and it all being instantly sucked up

    Promising review: "10/10, would recommend. Got this initially for cleaning up the hair in my salon. It works perfectly! I love it. It’s so easy. This is AMAZING!!" —Alyssa

    Get it from Amazon for $159 (available in three colors).

    31. A travel Poo-Pourri that's small, subtle, and ready to save you from feeling down in the ~dumps~ when you really need to use a public toilet and know there's a line of people outside who are trying not to think about why you're taking so long.

    tiny spray bottle of product

    Promising review: "I think this is the most adorable thing ever. I bought it so I could keep it in my purse, but once I started working in an office, I decided to tuck it into my desk drawer. It's discreet, and when I need to go to the restroom, I can bring it along without anyone noticing. Now I don't need to use obnoxious chemicals to mask the smells. One of the women in my office has a sensitivity to chemical perfumes, so I'm sure she'd appreciate that I'm not contributing to her suffering." —brinnet

    Get it from Amazon for $12.23.

    32. And finally, a wavesurf shaper that'll turn rocky, uneven lake waves made by your boat into smooth, curved, and *perfect* ocean-like waves that are primo for surfin'. Vacation season here we come! 

    Reviewer boarding on a lake with a clear wave formed from the back of the boat
    Reviewer's before and after showing the difference in the waves with and without the tool

    Promising review: "Wow, just wow. Surfing with this has made a huge difference!!! I use this on my 2014 Moomba Mobius LSV. I now fill both the rear bags even to 900 lbs. each on both sides and this thing throws a clean long wave to whichever side its not mounted to. I don't have to list the boat anymore, making it much easier to drive and so much faster to switch riders from different sides. It looks the exact same as the picture shows, and it floats. I've never had it fall off during surfing and even forgot to remove it once and came up to speed 20+ mph before I realized it was still on and it never came loose. It floats so if you accidentally drop it while mounting it you don't have to worry about it sinking to the bottom of the lake. I wish I had bought long ago!" —Joel

    Get it from Amazon for $249.96.

    When these products see the mess that is my life and know how badly I need them:

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