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    Read 'Em And Weep: 32 Products With Impressively High Reviews

    Once you try them, you'll probably want to give them *another* 5-star review.

    1. A length-adjustable pet hair broom with rubber bristles that'll actually be able to pull the years of hidden fur your vacuum never grabs (no matter how many times you plug in that clunker and run it over the carpet).

    a reviewer photo of the broom laying on a rug next to a pile of hair and text reading
    a reviewer photo of a door mat covered in pet hair on the left side, and cleared of hair on the right side
    Emma Lord / BuzzFeed,

    Want more info? Check out my coworker's FURemover Evrilholder broom review. You'll learn a thing or two AND enjoy some very satisfying hair-removal photos!

    Promising review: "I saw this on TikTok and thought it was worth a shot. I have two dogs and a cat, and being one with a dust and dander allergy I have to vacuum often but the vacuum can’t always get in deep enough. This actually works and I was shocked at how well it does. I brush the carpet a few times and vacuum it up and the carpet even looks better!! I highly recommend this to everyone- especially pet owners." —Theo Ackerman

    Get it from Amazon for $12.98.

    2. A ridiculously charming exfoliating stick for gently scrubbing your skin, drawing out excess sebum, whiteheads, and blackheads from your pores. This is specifically designed for removing the gross octo-puss from inside your pores! 

    A black small octopus shaped remover in a reviewer's hand
    the cap off to show the salt on the top of the remover

    Promising review: "After just two days of use, this adorable little octopus has done wonders for me, smells great too. Here's how I used it: I wore down the stick just a little to where the texture from the salt is visible, scrubbed around on my face so there was plenty of product, then I used my fingers to gently massage all the gunk away. Rinse, pat dry, and enjoy the softness. Highly recommended for people with sensitive skin like myself." —LuckLocust

    Get it from Amazon for $12.50

    3. And a pack of multipurpose dermaplaning razors that'll remove those fluffy baby hairs from your face while giving your skin some sweet exfoliation at the same time. Sorry newborns, your skin is no longer the softest around.

    a reviewer photo of the razor with shaved peach fuzz attached
    a gif of a reviewer using the razor on their face

    Promising review: "I saw these on TikTok and was skeptical but they work so well. I use them for any facial peach fuzz and to shape my eyebrows and they're perfect." —Megan Kopicko

    Get a three-pack from Amazon for $5.67.

    4. A TikTok famous Little Green upholstery cleaner here to save the day when slips turn into spills which turn into stains. 

    Promising review: "Yep! TikTok made me buy it and I loved it. Things definitely look cleaner. spots on my carpet are gone, and my car seats look brand-new for the first time since I bought it! Directions are easy. Just a heads-up, MAKE SURE TO USE WARM WATER. if you leave water in it and it gets cold, it's not as effective, so just follow instructions and it should be wonderful!" —Carlos

    Get it from Amazon for $123.59

    5. A pack of Downy fabric spray — if you find yourself getting worry wrinkles over keeping your linen wardrobe pressed, this spray can *finally* rid your caftans and pants of those stubborn crinkles and creases. 

    "I hate wrinkles *and* am lazy — two at-odds conditions. This stuff has been a staple in my life since approximately ninth grade (thanks to my mama). As a former Catholic school uniform wearer, I have discovered that this stuff was VITAL to freshening up wrinkly dress shirts that spent the after-school hours stuffed in a gym bag. The scent is light and fresh and its wrinkle-releasing powers are nearly instant. It definitely works better on some fabrics than others (great on cotton, less great on some synthetics), but it'll improve the look of most without dealing with an iron or steamer." —Danielle Healy, BuzzFeed

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $15.14.

    6. A nose butter that'll soothe your dog's schnoz if it gets dry or cracked when allergy season ~springs~ up on us. 

    reviewer's english bull dog with dry, crusty nose
    same dog with nourished nose after use of product

    Promising review: "I received this item yesterday, so I have been using it three times a day for two days. My poor, beautiful English mastiff has had a horrible nose for so long. I have talked to the vet and researched on forums, but had yet to find a solution that actually worked. My husband was skeptical when I stumbled across this product but said to try it. I am amazed and recommend this to anyone who has a pup in need. Two days and my puppy's nose is almost as good as new! This stuff is a miracle-worker! I have attached a photo of the before and after so you can see the results too (pictured above). A huge thank you from my pup and myself!" —Bleeding Rose

    Get it from Amazon for $7.71+ (available in multiple sizes, scented or unscented flavor and several options based on breed).

    7. An adorable bookmark book tracker to remind you of all the great places you've been while you stayed put in your favorite reading chair. If you're challenging yourself to read a certain number of books each year, this is such a fun way to keep track of your pace!

    The book tracker, which looks like a blank book shelf and you can fill in the names of the books on the spine as you finish them
    britishbookart / Etsy

    Owner Abbie has a limited collection of these illustrated bookmarks. You can find monthly reading trackers, top-10 book highlights, and a super-cute coffee bookmark. This small biz is located in, you guessed it, England! BTW, their Instagram account is gorgeous and totally worth a follow. 

    Promising review: "This bookmark is just so well done on every level! The artwork is beautiful, and the quality is gorgeous. It's such a clever idea, and there are enough 'books' pictured to last a whole year. I will be looking for other items from this artist!" —Elaine

    Get it from Britishbookart on Etsy for for $3.13.

    8. A set of six pantry organizers so you can keep snacks on hand, keep your fridge looking crisp, and also prevent any spills or drips from making a mess. Cool.

    full fridge with products all around
    the same fridge organized with the clear containers

    Promising review: "These are so helpful if your fridge is cluttered. I bought these for my mom who is an extremely cluttered person. I love her to death, but she is not an organized person. Her fridge used to look wild. There would be food piled on top of food, and small jars and containers EVERYWHERE. I bought her these to help her organize everything. Now she can see what she has and everything has a place. Thank you for making something like this to help those that are so cluttered." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $22.99+ (available in two sizes).

    9. A single serving Ninja blender is gonna make hitting your smoothie goals simple. The cups are dishwasher safe and cleaning is a breeze! No more getting out/washing an entire blender just to get your greens in for the day!

    small blender beside vegetables

    Promising review: "This works wonders. I love that it works using ONE button and that it stops by itself when ready! It's perfect for me, being over 80 years old I needed something 'easy' with no technical buttons. Now I love my smoothies. Merci Ninja!" —Tj Johnson

    Get it from Amazon for $59.99.

    10. A bottle of professional-grade callus-removing gel for feet that feel positively caked in callouses. 

    To use: presoak your feet, apply the gel, let sit for five to 10 minutes, and rinse. It's recommended to use a foot file afterwards to make sure no residue or dead skin is left behind.

    Promising review: "I have the driest heels and this is the ONLY product that has ever worked. Before I used this my heels had some pretty deep cracks and now they're almost baby soft again. BUT please follow the directions...left it on my super-dry thick-callused heels for only three minutes and the callouses were literally melting off! Wonderful product! So glad I don't have to go soak my feet in those tubs at the nail salon anymore." —Key2Del

    Get it from Amazon for $13.87.

    11. A bottle of Tend Skin Solution can clear up redness, bumps, and razor burn. Bless.

    Back of person's legs covered in razor burn, ingrown hairs, and irritated bumps
    The same legs without the redness or excessive bumps, with a few minor dark scars left

    Promising review: "This product is a lifesaver, simply amazing!! My before picture (above) is from two months ago without using Tendskin after shaving. That’s how bad my thighs used to get two to three days after shaving. I used to cry so much because EVERYTHING hurt my thighs, including my silk covers. My after picture is from July 31, 2019. As you can see it’s a tremendous difference. Although I still have scars, my shaving doesn’t bring tears to my eyes anymore. It’s helped with razor bumps, ingrown hairs, dark spots, and my sensitivity to denim." —Kim

    Get it from Amazon for $17.49+ (available in two sizes).

    12. A carpet shampoo solution to get your floors and rugs back to their original color without any toxic chemicals. Who knew your brown carpet was actually a WHITE carpet? Woof. 

    A vacuum using the cleaner and the carpet is drastically cleaner where the vacuum just cleaned
    A person's carpet looking progressively cleaner

    Sunny & Honey Store is a family-run small biz. Their products are made in the USA and they donate 10% of all profits to animal shelters and rescue groups.

    FYI: This cleaner is only for use in carpet cleaning machines. Here's the one they are using in the review photo!

    Promising review: "I never leave reviews but this I had to! I have 10-year-old carpet that I’m trying to make last as long as I can...because kids. Who wants to spend the money to replace flooring when they will just mess it up! I cleaned my son's carpet with this for the first time today and it looks and smells SOOOOO much better than it was! Other carpet cleaning products I’ve used have made the carpet smell like wet dog while cleaning and this didn’t! It smelled great the whole time! I’m hooked!!" —Megan Davis

    Get it from Amazon for $19.97+ (available in two sizes).

    13. An adjustable bakeware rack is gonna keep your kitchen tools upright and at-the-ready for every midnight bake shesh that comes their way. 

    a reviewer photo of a cabinet filled with piles of baking sheets and tins and text reading
    a reviewer photo of the same cabinet organized with the rack and text reading

    Promising review: "By the picture, I was expecting a lightweight plastic base with flimsy metal uprights that would hold a lightweight pan or cutting board. BOY WAS I WRONG!!!! This is a very heavy-duty base with a good grip on the bottom. The uprights are heavy coated wire to prevent scratching of the items it is holding. I am SO PLEASED with the quality of this rack that I will be ordering a couple more to use for my skillets. Buy with confidence as these are really a quality product." —labbie1

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99.

    14. A pack of vacuum storage bags that'll give you back SO much storage space. Fill up a bag with clothes, towels, or other linens, suck out the air, and watch the pile shrink down to a fraction of its original size!

    Reviewer's before picture of messy closet filled with blankets and towels
    Reviewer's now clean-looking closet

    Read BuzzFeed editor Maitland Quitmeyer's praise for these space savers:

    "The plastic is thick, the bags rarely re-inflate, and I feel confident that everything is safe and secure when stored inside. When you take things out, just give anything a quick steam if super wrinkled and it's ready to wear! Take it from this Virgo, my closet game is forever changed!!! Seasonal closet transitions = a breeze with these."

    Love what you're reading? Check out Maitland's full Spacesaver vacuum storage bags review!

    Get a six-pack from Amazon for $23.99+ (available in four sizes, packs of four, ten, and 20, and in a variety pack).

    15. A gray and black crocodile peel-and-stick wallpaper for giving a wall or old piece of furniture some texture and depth. This is no croc — this material is *made* for sprucing up your plain white walls.

    Reviewer's old wardrobe covered in crocodile material
    Different reviewer's living room wall covered in the material

    Animal print not your passion? You can also grab a solid color version if that's your taste.

    Promising review: "This wallpaper has all the looks of expensive, sexy wallpaper without the high price. I used it to cover a simple dresser which I also purchased through Amazon (pictured above, left). The wallpaper is strong and has a great texture to it. I would recommend this wallpaper to anyone. This is not a true deep black if you're looking for that. It definitely have a lot of gray tones in it." —Jake Strickland

    Get it from Amazon for $54.34.

    16. A plant-powered vitamin C serum with a *delicious* amount of 5-star ratings (over 65,000 5-star ratings if you really wanna know). This is a satisfying solution that's gonna help with dark circles, sun spots, redness, and breakouts.

    Want to learn more? Be sure to read our TruSkin Vitamin C Serum deep dive for more info!

    Promising review: "This stuff is amazing! I am 39 and have dark spots in my face from sun damage and some scarring from cystic acne. Holy cow, this has lightened my dark spots by at least 75%. Honestly a miracle. And for the price! Other brands are four times the price. Try this out for sure. Stick to it and give it some time. I saw an amazing difference, so so happy with it. Also, some of the best customer service I’ve ever had." —Ashley F.

    Get it from Amazon for $17.99+ (available in two sizes).

    17. Scrubbing Bubbles toilet cleaning stamp to polish your toilet without you ever having to touch a dirty toilet brush. With each flush, the stamp releases the cleaning gel, which foams and cleans your toilet.

    Gif of a hand stamping the gel in a toilet, the toilet flushing, and arrows showing how the gel is able to clean the bowl
    A hand stamping the circle of gel in the toilet
    Scrubbing Bubbles /, Scrubbing Bubbles

    Promising review: "I was sooo skeptical and confused about how they’d work but the gel solidifies and with every flush, suds wash through with the water and it really makes a fresh difference. Also the scent is light but really nice and fresh! I recommend these 100%! They’re super interesting but they do the job." —Janet

    Get six stamps from Amazon for $4.59.

    18. A towel holder you can mount on the wall to give your bathroom a spa-worthy vibe while making sure your fresh towels are not confused for (egads!) used ones.

    Towel rack
    Reviewer photo showing towel racks

    Promising review: "Absolutely love these! We have extra large towels and these racks hold them perfectly when rolled up! It's such a great modern style and gives the bathroom a great look. They are sturdy and come with wall anchors as well. Will be buying another set of these for our other bathroom, and perhaps another for the dining room for some wine bottles! Don't even have to think twice before buying these!" —Erin Cech

    Get it from Amazon for $37.99 (available in two colors).

    19. A sight word Bingo game for your kiddo if they too share your affinity for educational gaming and your (borderline terrifying) competitive nature.

    Word board with chips, cards, and packaging

    Promising review: "Our first-grader was feeling really discouraged with her sight words and I've been trying to think of ways to encourage her and get her excited to learn things she doesn't already know. She loved this game! We played with the whole family and her 3-year-old even enjoyed playing (we show her the cards and have her find the word that matches on her bingo card). I think this is a great way to make learning/practicing sight words fun! I am very happy with this purchase and I can see how it would be great for teachers in the classroom as well!!" —Jennie

    Get it from Amazon for $8.89.

    20. A pair of amber glass bottles so you can replace the sad, plastic bottles that make your counters look cluttered. Throw your lotions and potions into these and give your bathroom a unified, clean vibe.

    To recreate the look above, be sure to grab some waterproof labels

    Promising review: "Exactly as pictured and truly pretty. The pumps are well made, and fit and work perfectly. The glass is not thin — not bulky-thick either. I am very impressed with the quality and pricing. I love these and will absolutely buy them again." —Admin Math & Science

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99.

    21. A Baroque mirror sure to shock your friends when you tell them you found it on Amazon. That is, IF you tell them.

    arched mirror with gilded detail on the top displayed on an entryway table
    closeup of the same mirror

    Promising review: "All I can say is woooow! This mirror is not only affordable, but the quality is amazing. It’s heavy and not cheap looking. The gold color is not so tacky, and it’s done just right. My main concern was receiving a broken mirror but the packaging was great and arrived in one piece. Don’t hesitate buying this gem, you need it!" —Celeste C

    Get it from Amazon for $129.99+ (available in three sizes and four colors).

    22. The Unofficial Disney Parks Cookbook, a drool-worthy cookbook that'll help ease the anticipation around your house if the Disney adult you married is counting down the days until your next Magic Kingdom vacation.

    Book cover
    Dole whip treat inside clear cup

    Promising review: "This is a beautiful hardcover cookbook with so many yummy Disney recipes from the parks! There is a lot of Disney foodie history in it, plus recipes that look easy to follow with high quality ingredients. There are fun maps of each of the parks inside where the food is located from, which makes it fun. As an avid Disney fan I have never seen a cookbook like this. I highly recommend this cookbook for any Disney fan, whether they cook or not! It would even make a beautiful decoration in a kitchen." —Nicole

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99+ (available in hardcover and spiral-bound).

    23. A set of carriage door magnets — throw these snazzy things on your garage and you're gonna make your sedan feel sensational every time you pull into the driveway.

    Metal handles close up
    Before and after view of a three car garage

    Promising review: "These really dressed up our garage door!!!! UPDATE!! It has been almost a year since I purchased these. They have faded ever so slightly but still hold on to the metal of the garage door and have not cracked with the cold of winter or heat of summer. Very pleased!!!" —Robert R

    Get a set of four hinges and two handles on Amazon for $14.34+ (available in three kit styles).

    24. A set of fiberglass chopsticks that are dishwasher-safe and made with a no-slip design — these'll help you easily eat noodles without tasty bites slipping and sliding before they make it into your mouth.

    Glass noodles held up with chop sticks

    These also work great with hot foods, i.e. they won't get too hot when hanging out in a steaming bowl of broth.

    Promising review: "This is a quality set of chopsticks! The fiberglass is heavier than standard wood ones (obviously), but they are still easy to use. They don't feel that heavy in the hand. The tips are textured slightly for a better grip on food; this is really great with noodles. The top has a pretty design. I haven't had them very long, but they seem durable and relatively scratch resistant. They clean easily with soap and warm water (they're also dishwasher-friendly). I was looking for an affordable, re-useable set and originally considering stainless steel ones. But based on a number of reviews stating that the material on some wasn't true stainless steel, or they're too heavy, or they get too hot if left in a bowl, I ultimately went with this set. I'm very glad I did!" —nhcabin

    Get a box of 10 pairs from Amazon for $6.99+ (available in two colors).

    25. A 12-pack of Mango Chainsaw Liquid Death — a flavored sparkling water that'll be beloved by anyone with a sense of humor and a healthy hydration habit. 

    closeup of the mango chainsaw can in my hand at my home office
    Mallory Mower / BuzzFeed

    I'm not shy about my inappropriate love for this water brand. I have sweatshirts, hats, and decor dedicated to it. My fridge is always stocked with the sparkling water. Now that they have flavors available? I need a bigger fridge. The Severed Lime is definitely the crowd favorite, but I like the subtle sweet taste of the Mango Chainsaw. You can find merch and drinks on their website or purchase packs of the cans on Amazon. Go forth and hydrate. 

    Promising review: "This is the best mango flavored sparkling water I've had!! Definitely buying again!" —Andrea

    Get it from Amazon for $15.99.

    26. A KitchenAid mini stand mixer necessary for anyone who knows they need some major machinery to help them eat their delicious, delicious feelings these days.

    the mixer in red sitting on a counter
    reviewer's mixer in action, mixing dough

    This 3.5-qt. mini mixer includes a wire whisk, flat beater, and dough hook. It is dishwasher safe and sports a powerful 10-speed slide control. Oh, and it can make five dozen cookies at once.

    Promising review: "This is perfect for everything that doesn't need the capacity of my full size KitchenAid. It's great for beating eggs, whipping cream, etc., but it's also ideal for making small-batch cookie dough, dinner rolls, single loaves of yeast bread, crumble toppings, and on and on! For those who don't have the space for a full size mixer, this is the thing!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $379.99 (available in 10 colors).

    27. A snazzy glass pitcher with a temperature-sensitive handle, stainless-steel spout, and strong pineapple design. If you're already dreaming of iced tea in the summer's time to get this in your life.

    pineapple style glass carafe pouring juice into a cup

    Promising review: "I love this so much that I am buying more for all my besties. It's beautiful for daily iced tea." —M.J. Rubenstein 

    Get it from Amazon for $24.14.

    28. A squalane oil that'll lock in your skin's natural moisture without feeling heavy on your face. This one wild ingredient will make your skin feel softer and smoother while helping redness and irritation fade away.

    Promising review: "I love this oil!. It's amazing for my skin hydration and helps balance too much of my own body oil production (I have dry spots and overly-oily spots my body likes to make)." —Biossance Customer

    Get it from Biossance for $8+ (available in three sizes).

    29. A deck of cat tarot cards sure to make a fun surprise gift for your rather mystical sweetheart. Go ahead and let them know they really, ahem, played their cards right when first they asked you out.

    Deck with watercolor cat illustrations

    Promising review: "This has quickly become a favorite. I don't own a lot of fluffy decks, my tastes are usually more esoteric, and I'm not one of those old cat ladies who live down the street swilling tea and knitting booties for her feline pets, either. But this deck is amazing. The packaging is awesome, the little white book is a little purple book, the card stock is high quality, the backs are beautiful, and the cattization of familiar RWS-format cards is both witty and wise. The Megan Lynn Kott's beautiful artwork and Julia Smillie's narration of the booklet make an excellent pairing. This box is too cute to be believed. " —MelonieM

    Get them from Amazon for $17.95

    30. A cement planter pot — a solid piece of home decor, literally, for your Pinterest-perfect place. Plus those painted, carved leaves are so intricate that no one will beleaf the price!

    Review image with smaller pot in yellow that has engraved leaves on the sides. The pot is holding a cactus.
    Person holding up large indoor pot with long leafy plant inside

    BTW, this hearty planter even has drainage holes, so it's ready for any plant that comes its way!

    Promising review: "I'm SO happy with my planter purchase in this beautiful yellow golden color (pictured above, left)! It's a quality, sturdy and very well made planter. I just can't get enough of the design! I definitely wouldn't hesitate to purchase another planter from Potey! It comes with a drainage hole/mesh covering which is a plus." —Christine

    Get it from Amazon for $17.99+ (available in six colors and three sizes).

    31. A machine-washable rug with such a rad style your maximalist mind just might accidentally let this thing slither into your shopping cart. Whoops.

    green and blue rug with dual snake image in the center

    I have the runner version of this rug! I actually own two Ruggable rugs. After I got one for my living room I knew this was the best type of rug for my home. I have cats and have a bad habit of wearing my shoes indoors...having rugs I can throw in the wash feels heaven-sent! And they are cool. Way too cool. 

    Promising review: "This rug looked brilliant online but is that much better IRL. I just washed it the first time and it looks like new. 100% recommend!" —Anna O.

    Get it from Ruggable for $109+ (available in 11 sizes and two colors). 

    32. And finally, a shed wall decal to protect your garden from certain doom — no matter what comes your rutabagas' way.

    Decal on shed above several gardening tools that says
    Magic Decals GB

    This small business has every kind of wordy decal you could ask for. Owner Emma creates iron-ons, wall options, digital downloads, and more. The shop is located in York, United Kingdom.

    Get it from Magic Decals GB on Etsy for $12.59+ (available in five sizes and 23 colors).

    Reviews in this post have been edited for length and clarity. 

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