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    29 Pet Products That Succeeded Where All Others Had Failed

    These products are here to train us lowly people into becoming the *best* pet parents.

    1. An immunity-boosting allergy supplement for giving your pup the relief they need when irritated spots are making their skin crawl. These soft chews pack a hearty dose of probiotics and other nutrients to improve immune function, aide digestion, promote healthy skin, and add shine to their coat.

    2. A grooming rake that'll lighten your dog's undercoat, preventing mats *and* a miserable shedding season. If your pet has thick, dense fur or a double coat, this brush'll be your new best friend (after your dog, of course).

    Reviewer photo of a golden retriever sitting next to a big pile of fur that was removed with the rake

    3. A liquid tartar remover for dogs who hate a toothbrush even more than they seem to hate your mail carrier. This stuff is basically like mouthwash – just add it to their water and watch as your dog's plaque and bad breath become a thing of the past!

    4. And a dental powder that's a cinch to use! Add a pinch of powder to your pet's food to protect their teeth from plaque and protect *you* from their bad breath. This stuff has probiotics and nutrients like zinc, taurine, cranberry powder, and vegetable fats to support gum health.

    5. A bottle of Burt's Bees dander-reducing spray (made with aloe vera and oatmeal) for keeping your cat's coat soft, shiny, and free of flakes. Sure, your cat thinks he's doing a mighty fine job on his own, but his tongue can't exactly condition dry skin or reduce redness – this will clear that up lickety-split!

    Reviewer's before and after showing the spray got rid of their cat's dander

    6. A pack of matatabi chew sticks – these spiffy sticks are gonna be loved by anyone whose cats aren't interested in catnip. Matatabi is a catnip alternative that might be the most tantalizing treat for your kitto. The spiffy stick shape is also great at cleaning their chompers!

    cat chewing on the stick

    7. A mounted brush that'll satisfy your pets' ceaseless demands for some afternoon scratches.

    8. A de-shedding glove is sure to make your friends say, "I've gotta ~hand~ it to you, your pet's fur looks fantastic."

    The grooming glove with silicone nodules, full of hair held in front of a French bulldog

    9. An interactive flier that'll be beloved by your finicky feline. Turns out, a cat dance is even better than the fox trot.

    10. An indestructible stuffed duck, because your paper-shredder of a pet manages to chew *everything* to bits. Not this toy! This lil' yellow duck doesn't look like it, but it's built to last.

    11. A creamy paw butter for pets who know they deserve a mani pedi just as much as you do. This balm moisturizes dry, cracked paws (and noses!) and is safe if licked or swallowed.

    Reviewer before and after showing the butter moisturized their dog's dry paw

    12. A pet hair remover you can roll over everything from your sofa to your favorite sweater.

    Reviewer photo of a black pillow covered in white dog hair and you can clearly see which side they brushed with the fur remover because all the dog hair is gone in that section

    13. A set of mini combs – this is gonna gently detangle the fur around the eyes, transforming your crusty white dog into a NON-crusty white dog. Adorable!

    14. A nail grinder that's extra quiet and smooth, so your skittish Irish setter won't get scared when it's nail trimming time.

    Before photo of a dog's overgrown nails and an after photo of the same dog with nails that are neatly trimmed

    15. A cat litter deodorizer so that stank tank in your apartment is *finally* gonna be undetectable, even if you don't clean it out every day.

    Hand sprinkling the product into a litter box

    16. Or a bag of premium clumping litter that'll be a big hit in your home, according to reviewers. The odor control with this stuff is fantastic. I can confirm: this is the litter I use with my *very* well fed cats.

    Reviewer's cat in their litter box

    17. An automatic water fountain sure to convince your particularly persnickety cat their water is, in fact, fresh as a daisy.

    18. An anti-fungal antibacterial spray made with cooling aloe that'll treat a range of skin conditions, including allergies, cuts, hot spots, infections, rashes, and scrapes.

    19. An ear treatment – this can clear up the gunk in your cat or dog's ears, which hopefully means they'll finally hear you when you tell them to stop jumping on the sofa.

    Reviewer's before and after showing the treatment cleared all the brown crustiness from their dog's ears

    20. A length-adjustable pet hair broom with rubber bristles that'll actually pull the years of hidden fur your vacuum never grabs (no matter how many times you plug in that clunker and run it over the carpet).

    21. A nose butter to soothe your dog's schnoz if it gets dry or cracked when allergy season ~falls~ upon us.

    22. A waterless cat bath you can use on your beloved feline, if you know he would love nothing more than scratching your eyes out if you dared try and get him in an actual bath. This leave-in foam keeps cats clean and even moisturizes their skin!

    23. A purring cat toy sure to ease your anxious bud by giving them the sensation of curling up next to another purring pal.

    24. A Wobble Wag Giggle ball with an internal noisemaker and six pockets – this thing is gonna have your rambunctious buddy rolling, fetching, and running around until they are totally pooped!

    A very happy white, brown, and black dog sitting on grass with the ball in front of him

    25. A cleansing cream to clean up tear stains and underneath wrinkles, keeping your K-9 clean in (basically) every nook and cranny.

    reviewer's dog before and after with gunk underneath wrinkle above nose cleaned after use of product

    26. An odor-eliminating spray – this spray releases bacteria that feeds on the ammonia left behind after pet accidents. Not only does this eliminate the smell of urine, it also deters your pet from peeing there again at all. Bless.

    The spray

    27. And finally, a touchless stationary vacuum, because dust pans are no match for your husky's seasonal shedding!

    What I would like to say to all these perfect pet products:

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