The Definitive Ranking Of Hair Metal Hair

    Glam on.

    This extremely scientific ranking is based on: hair volume, amount of hairspray used (flammability), and overall band participation.

    36. Judas Priest

    35. Deep Purple

    34. Night Ranger

    33. Van Halen

    32. Def Leppard

    31. Extreme

    30. Skid Row

    29. Scorpions

    28. Y & T

    27. Pantera

    26. Danger Danger

    25. Steelheart

    24. Europe

    23. TNT

    22. Guns N' Roses

    21. Helix

    20. Bon Jovi

    19. Winger

    18. Great White

    17. Autograph

    16. Vixen

    15. KISS

    14. Whitesnake

    13. Stryper

    12. Mötley Crüe

    11. Dokken

    10. Lizzy Borden

    9. RATT

    8. Cinderella

    7. W.A.S.P.

    6. Poison

    5. Wrathchild

    4. Vain

    3. Tigertailz

    2. Twisted Sister

    1. Pretty Boy Floyd