Sound The Alarms, The Third Hemsworth Brother Is That Guy In "Westworld"

    In case you didn't know.

    Westworld is the new HBO show that's about robots and shit. Actually it's good — you should watch it. But that's not why we're here. We are here to talk about one of the guys on the show.

    This guy:

    If you saw him on the show you might have been like, Hmmm, he looks familiar but I don't know why.

    And also maybe, He kind of looks like a 5-degrees-less-hot version of Chris Hemsworth.

    And that's because he basically is. THIS IS LUKE HEMSWORTH.


    These are his real-life bros, Chris and Liam. You know them.

    Now Chris is making his own way in Hollywood, and he even puts on a pretty good American accent in Westworld.

    And so, now you know that the guy in Westworld is a Hemsworth.

    Use this info well.