Cole Sprouse And Adam Sandler Reunited 21 Years After "Big Daddy"

    Where's Dylan tho?

    Once upon a time there was the greatest Adam Sandler movie ever made, Big Daddy.

    It stars lil bbs Dylan and Cole Sprouse as Julian.

    And it was one of their best performances of all time.

    It came out 21 WHOLE YEARS AGO. Which means I'm old, idk how old you are.

    And now all these years later, at the premiere of Adam's newest movie, Uncut Gems, they were reunited. Well, half of them.

    Cole and Adam, together again.

    Older, wiser, and they both can definitely wipe their own ass.

    Dylan was MIA which is sad, but whatever, I love a halfsie reunion. Really warms my heart.