Let's Talk About Chanel #3

    The best Chanel TBH.

    If you watch Scream Queens you know that one thing is the absoute truth: Chanel #3 is not only the best character, but also she is us.

    Because let's face it, these looks, are you.

    These faces? You.

    You on the inside.

    And you on the outside.

    Also everything she says is just really fucking true.

    Like, this basically sums up your existence.

    This IS your life.

    Like Chanel #3, you are passionate.

    A true believer in love.

    And a secret genius with a plethora of fantastic ideas.

    When Chanel received her nunchucks, it resonated with you.

    As did her googling mistake. Because she is us and we are her.

    Plus Chanel #3 is right, Sam Ronson IS dope.

    Not to mention like her, you too can explain pop culture references in one quick breath.

    And you're also a feminist icon.

    But also kind of batshit crazy, in like, a good way.

    And finally: earmuffs. They've probably been your favorite winter accessory since you were five and Chanel is living out your dream.

    In conclusion, Chanel #3 is simply iconic and so are you.

    The End.