Susan Sarandon And Rose Byrne Agree That All Twenty-Somethings Should Have A Lot Of Sex

    "If your parents ask you for the millionth time when you're going to get married, maybe just say, "I am married. And I don't want to talk about it."

    Susan Sarandon and Rose Byrne play mother and daughter in the new indie comedy-drama The Meddler. In real life, Susan is an experienced mother, while Rose is just starting out on her very own mothering journey. But in addition to being amazing moms, they are both strong, hilarious, and very wise women. So when the duo stopped by BuzzFeed New York to chat about the new film, we enlisted them to dole out some life advice to women everywhere. Here's what we learned.

    What's the most annoying thing that your mom ever did to you when you were younger?

    Susan Sarandon: My mom had eight children after me, and that was fairly annoying.

    Rose Byrne: My mom — I was a pretty naughty teenager, and she would always call up the parents' house of where I said I was going to be at—

    SS: I do that. I do that.

    RB: Well, I wouldn't be there, and I'd get in trouble. That was pretty annoying at the time.

    How should I respond when my family asks me for the millionth time when I'm going to get married?

    SS: If your parents ask you for the millionth time when you're going to get married, maybe just say, "I am married. And I don't want to talk about it."

    RB: Just lie, I agree.

    SS: Or you know what else you could do? Just say that you're going into an order of nuns. And then they'll be so happy that you're not behind a wall somewhere not speaking for the rest of your life, that they'll be happy you're single.

    How do I live my life as a strong feminist without coming off as an intense person forcing my ideals on people?

    RB: Just wear slutty skirts. Get your tits out — you know what I'm saying? Use what you got. Then you can say whatever you want. No one's going to care. They're just going to be looking at your body, so it doesn't matter! [laughs]

    What is one thing you think women in their twenties should experience?

    SS: Sex.

    RB: Yes, absolutely.

    SS: Travel.

    RB: Yep. Sex, travel...

    SS: Rock and roll.

    RB: A great haircut — like, an ambitious haircut. You know, something really edgy.

    SS: Road trip.

    RB: Burning Man.

    SS: Ah, why not!

    What are ways to "be there" for your mother and family when you live in a different city?

    RB: Skype and FaceTime are brilliant. That is what's so great about technology. You really can keep in touch in a more intimate way with those things — email, I mean, there's so much these days.

    SS: Or give them a puppy that has your name. Or a cat.

    RB: That's right. A litter of Susans.

    What's the best way to introduce your new boyfriend to your mother when he comes home with you?

    SS: This man just saved my life. So I thought I would bring him home for dinner — or she.

    RB: I mean, I can't top that. That's perfect.

    If I have to initiate texting someone or making plans with them, does that mean they're not interested in me?

    RB: Ooof. That sucks. That question sucks. Because it's just the millennial problem, isn't it?

    No! It doesn't mean that. But I guess it could.

    SS: I don't know, that's a tough one. I would initiate. You know, I do everything wrong. I don't play by any rules, but look where it's gotten me. So, I mean, I probably would text about something else, or send an article, or copy a tweet and send it or something. Not say, "Hi, I really miss you since I saw you 10 minutes ago." I wouldn't do that. I'm not that bad.

    What's one thing you'd tell a mom to do to have her kid not hate her?

    SS: Oh, you can't. You just constantly embarrass your children, and they have to hate you occasionally — just get used to that. Just forgive yourself for not being perfect and try to have fun. Because they'll be gone quicker than you think.

    RB: I'm taking this advice, by the way. I'm taking mental notes. I'm part of the audience.

    Susan, in real life, do you consider yourself more of a meddler or helicopter mom, or are you more laid-back — and, Rose, what do you think you might be?

    RB: It's hard to predict what I'll be. Goodness me, I hope I'm not much of a helicopter, I hope I'm more of a bird. Just cruising. Less [makes helicopter noises].

    SS: You're going to be too busy to be a helicopter mom. It's pretty hard to be a helicopter mom when you're working full-time out of the house. I would love to be a helicopter mom, but I think my window has closed on that one.

    The Meddler is now playing in select theaters!