Martha Stewart Left A Truly Savage (And I Never Say That Word) Comment On Antoni From "Queer Eye's" Instagram Because He Didn't Tag Her In A Photo


    Martha Stewart has dragged before and now she is dragging again! Except instead of Martha getting pissed at Uber for having a dirty car, she went after Antoni from Queer Eye. Let me explain.

    Apparently Martha Stewart had a holiday party and invited Antoni. Antoni posted two pics from the event: one of himself with Martha's dogs in the back of a car.

    And the other in Martha's horse stable.

    For those in the know, it was obvious that this was Martha's house.

    However, from what I gather, Antoni didn't tag Martha!!! He just posted the pics with no mention of Martha.

    And so, in his comments, Martha read him for filth:

    Also, here I assume she meant ate my christmas cookies, not that he is her christmas cookies.

    Either way, Antoni was shook.

    And why wouldn't he be, Martha just owned him hard!!!

    Antoni has since publicly apologized to Martha for his sins.

    And has also properly tagged her in the photos that were once not tagged.

    Sadly, Antoni had to learn the hard way that Martha is not afraid to come for you!!!! But now we all know. Beware.