These Are The Two Times Jennifer Lawrence Has Been Most Embarrassed In Her Life

    They involve more than just falling.

    Jennifer Lawrence is just like us! She falls, and spills yogurt on her shirt, and in general she has moments of embarrassment. However, her embarrassing stories always involve really famous people and fancy places. These are those stories.

    The first story is a case of mistaken identity:

    Of course this is impossible, because Elizabeth Taylor died in 2011. Jennifer continues:

    At this point in the story Elizabeth Taylor is still deceased, however past Jennifer didn't realize this and this is how embarrassing story #1 ends:

    Jennifer Lawrence's most embarrassing story #2 is a classic "didn't mean to moon you" situation.

    It begins when Jennifer spotted director Francis Ford Coppola while out in Paris and decided to go introduce herself to him.

    She said hello, fangirled out a little, didn't realize how famous she is, and then walked away.

    And that's when she showed off her ass to Francis Ford Coppola and a bunch of strangers.

    In conclusion: Jennifer Lawrence has shown her ass to Francis Ford Coppola and once had an entire conversation with someone thinking she was talking to Elizabeth Taylor, once again solidifying why we love her so.

    Here's the full clip:

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