I'm Obsessed With Maude And Iris Apatow And Just Want Everyone To Know

    Apatow sisters 4 lyfe.

    Idk about you guys, but I, for one, love Maude and Iris Apatow.

    Seems like just yesterday they were the cutest lil' bbs in Knocked Up.

    Look at small Maude.

    And little Iris!!

    Well, now the two are all grown'd up.

    And they truly are their mother's daughters.

    (You know their mom, Leslie Mann.)

    Anywho, the fact is: I stan these two!!

    First we have Maude.

    She plays the most underrated character on Euphoria, Lexi.

    And her skin is flawless?????

    Basically I just wanna be friends with her.

    Then there's Iris.

    She plays Arya on Love.

    She's 16 and cooler than I'll ever be.

    I aspire to be her when I grow up.

    I'm obsessed with both of them!!

    And even though I've never met them nor do I know them at all, I'm just really proud of how far they've come.

    So, yeah, I love the Apatow sisters.

    And now you know!!! Ciao!