Billy Eichner Freaking Out Over What He's Gonna Say To Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Is Me, You, And Everyone


    Billy Eichner stars as Timon in the new Lion King, which has not only now provided him with photo proof that he knows Beyoncé...

    ...but has also led him to this moment: meeting Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at the UK premiere of the movie.

    And this video of Billy contemplating what he's going to say to them and having a minor freak out about it is more raw, pure, and perfect than an ice cold glass of water from a freshwater creek in Maine. Just watch:

    It begins with Billy telling an off-camera Seth Rogen what he's going to say to them:

    However, then Billy second guesses himself.

    Then Billy stares for a while at the royals and decides he will say that.

    Then he looks some more, pondering I assume.

    Then Billy notes that Keegan (as in Keegan Michael Key) did not say "it was a pleasure to meet you."

    And instead just did this head tilt, which Billy showed to Seth.

    The video stops there, so we are all left hanging on what transpired.

    Luckily Andy Cohen followed up and asked what happened.

    Turns out, Billy said it!! He did it!

    Now all we can hope for is Prince Harry on Billy on the Street.