15 TikToks About Being An Adult That Made My Back Hurt From Laughing Because I’m Old

    Ah yes, adulthood.

    1. Making your own appointments over the phone literally feels like this:

    A TikTok image of a woman holding a phone to her face, looking frightened and crying, with the caption, "POV: Making an appointment as an adult"


    actual footage of me making an appointment for anything #pansexual #comedy #lgbtq #funny #haircut #hair #model #fyp

    ♬ original sound - K A T

    2. Many social interactions are just awkward versions of small talk:

    A TikTok titled "Me responding to small talk in my late twenties" where someone asks, "So, what do you do for fun?" and the person replies, "No, thank you"

    3. And dating — especially if you're a millennial — means using every personality test that exists to find out if you're compatible with a complete stranger:

    Two people sit on a date listing their Myers-Briggs personality type, astrology signs, Harry Potter houses, and more

    4. Every day you arrive at work, you go through the same series of thoughts:

    A TikToker says, "I should have called out" and then screams

    5. Young people start explaining trendy things to you — like Snapchat:

    A school psychologist asks: "Do you think I don't know what Snapchat is?" and the student replies: "Well, my mom doesn’t know and you’re, like, her age, so I’m guessing you didn’t"

    6. You can use your hard-earned money to make responsible decisions — like buying a trampoline instead of a dining table:

    A 22-year-old sits on a couch, eating and thinking she needs a dining table, and then she jumps on a trampoline she bought instead


    Being an adult is kinda fun ngl

    ♬ original sound - Bri ⭐️

    7. If you live with your parents, you probably don't have that alone time you crave:

    Jolting awake when a parent walks in, asking, "You've seen the remote?" with a caption that reads: "When parents won't let you sleep"

    8. And sometimes it hits you that you're actually at an "acceptable" age to BE a parent:

    A TikToker pauses with wide eyes with the caption: "The moment you realize you're at an acceptable age to have children"

    9. When an employer says you need more job experience to get the job, you want to say this:

    After being told, "We can't hire you; you don't have the experience," a TikToker says, "Why don't you help me get some? You can give me this job; I'll get experience on the job"

    10. Paying bills is just an endless cycle of disappointment:

    A TikToker looks increasingly distressed with the captions "phone payment: minus $130" and groceries "minus $170"

    11. It's honestly a real tragedy:

    A TikToker pretends to fall to the ground dramatically with the caption: "When you pay a bill and then the money disappears from your account"

    12. Also, groceries are expensive, so there's that:

    One refrigerator with well-stocked shelves and the caption, "What I thought $150 of groceries would looks like vs..." and another with shelves containing eggs, a few containers, and a water pitcher and the caption, "What it actually looks like"

    13. Things from your childhood are no longer recognizable — like the fact that *apparently* the Blue's Clues "We Just Got a Letter" song is now "We Just Got an Email":

    A TikToker reacts with complete shock after listening to the "We just got an email" song from "Blue's Clues"

    14. Taking a nap is a dangerous game — especially during lunch break:

    Someone pretends to sleep in their car during lunch break then freaks out when they wake up at night with the caption: "Taking a nap as an adult is dangerous"

    15. Oh, and when you finally make that doctor's appointment, you're not used to being the one who answers all the questions:

    A TikToker says, "When I go to my doctor's appointments, and my doctor asks me, 'What's been feeling wrong?' I still look to the spot where my mom used to sit, expecting her to answer for me"


    being an adult is a literal nightmare I hate it here

    ♬ original sound - megan wave

    But, of course, at the end of the day, we love being adults. It's fun.

    I love how being an adult is just saying "But after this week things will slow down a bit again" to yourself until you die

    Twitter: @kramski

    What are some hilarious adulting struggles you've encountered? Let us know in the comments below!

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